MythsOfMetal Wrote:Were the two songs from his debut album or Shards of Silver Fade? I prefer SoSF. It's more keyboard/effects driven and has a better atmosphere for it. Check out those two tracks if you haven't already.
I listened to a couple of songs from Shards of Silver Fade.
Quote:I love all of the song tracks on NiMe, though while I appreciate the effort, I don't care for most of the spoken word parts or interludes. I wish I had bought their A Travelers Guide to Space and Time boxset with NiMe having all the interludes removed and new cool album artwork.
Anyways, are you familiar with any of their other albums? Since you like NiMe I'd recommend either working forwards from there with: A Night at the Opera, which is epic and grand with loads of synths and vocal harmonies, or work backwards with: Imaginations from the Other Side, which is a more straight forward but still varied power metal album. So ANatO is more like "Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns)" or "Thorn" from NiMe, whereas IftOS is more like "Into the Storm" and "The Curse of Feanor." Though both IftOS and ANatO have moments like each other with ANatO's hard hitting "Punishment Divine," and IftOS more varied "And the Story Ends" and "Mordred's Song."
I've listened mainly to Nightfall and At The Edge Of Time. I'll check out A Night At The Opera, it sounds like something I would enjoy, and Imaginations From The Other Side.