05-06-2018, 19:19
Pink Floyd’s Obscured by Clouds. Sandwiched as it is between Meddle and Dark Side of the Moon, it’s not the bigger mouthful, but that said, it was written primarily for the film, La Vallée, and while not a so-called commercial success, it certainly creeps up and takes hold of you! They did a good job considering it was fairly hastily put together - nice succinct songs and instrumentals - not a masterpiece but very listenable - I have it on vinyl. The cover art is an out of focus shot of a man in a tree which IMHO is a lot less disconcerting than that underwater ear, lol! Not big on the ear – it always looks like some sort of freaky mutant aquatic creature, to me.

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson