21-12-2019, 21:40
Last one for today - Morning - Morning (which makes looking them and it up rather complicated!).
![[Image: R-6012195-1408796502-8837.jpeg.jpg]](https://img.discogs.com/LRmKCIAvMt4rKd20AW_KH8qJvEo=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-6012195-1408796502-8837.jpeg.jpg)
They made only two albums, this was the debut - released in 1970. Folk/psychedelic rock, I preferred some tracks over others but on the whole, also a decent listen. No idea what happened to them - they certainly seemed to have had potential - sort of similar to CSN in places.
MH - do you know anything about this band? Or any of the others?
Sounds like a whole jam session going on in the middle of this one, lol ...
![[Image: R-6012195-1408796502-8837.jpeg.jpg]](https://img.discogs.com/LRmKCIAvMt4rKd20AW_KH8qJvEo=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-6012195-1408796502-8837.jpeg.jpg)
They made only two albums, this was the debut - released in 1970. Folk/psychedelic rock, I preferred some tracks over others but on the whole, also a decent listen. No idea what happened to them - they certainly seemed to have had potential - sort of similar to CSN in places.
MH - do you know anything about this band? Or any of the others?
Sounds like a whole jam session going on in the middle of this one, lol ...
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson