When I was in Madeira a couple of years back I could only get there via Lisbon. Apparently there are only certain pilots who are allowed to land at Madeira airport because of cross winds and a fairly short runway. Anyway because I had to go via Lisbon I decided to spend a couple of days there and by chance they had a Fado Festival on the go in the old town. I rented an apartment right round the corner from the main stage in the Old Quarter. Fado is very much an 'in the moment' type of music - like jazz. It's best listened to live. Very vibrant sort of music. But also very emotional and soulful. Bought about 5 CD's of Fado music when I was there. And I have to say Portugal is a fantastic country to visit. People are really polite and friendly and they leave you alone to do your own thing which is rare for a place that sees a lot of tourists. It is also the cheapest holiday I have ever had in Europe. To get to Shannon airport from my home, which is not that far away, cost more than a three day guided tour of Madeira, including a catamaran trip to see the dolphins out at sea. Excellent value for money. I met a lot of Portuguese people who had lived in SA for many years but all left once the new government took over. And you have not had real fish n chips till you've tasted the Madeiran variety. Much better than anything I have ever had in SA, the UK or Ireland. Must try to get back someday. Oh yes that reminds me - the fishermen eat steak with a coffee sauce on top (can't remember the name) when they return to the harbor after being out on the waters all night. An acquired taste for sure!
Just noticed the birdsong again this morning. Much clearer without all the usual bloody traffic noise. Makes a nice change.
Just noticed the birdsong again this morning. Much clearer without all the usual bloody traffic noise. Makes a nice change.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.