17-05-2020, 18:02
Jan Schelhaas - Living on a Little Blue Dot
![[Image: R-10059577-1490910627-1502.jpeg.jpg]](https://img.discogs.com/6D7G1VAzeNs0YfcKPn2guq21pR0=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-10059577-1490910627-1502.jpeg.jpg)
Schelhaas played keys for Camel and Caravan and I've been meaning to get around to listening to his solo work. Pleasant enough but perhaps a little too soft and too programmed for me - unlikely to go back. Lowish on the oomph scale, and I'm sure there's a vocoder or something involved. Why on earth whoever it was let Andy Latimer sit so far back in the mix on this track is a mystery ...
![[Image: R-10059577-1490910627-1502.jpeg.jpg]](https://img.discogs.com/6D7G1VAzeNs0YfcKPn2guq21pR0=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-10059577-1490910627-1502.jpeg.jpg)
Schelhaas played keys for Camel and Caravan and I've been meaning to get around to listening to his solo work. Pleasant enough but perhaps a little too soft and too programmed for me - unlikely to go back. Lowish on the oomph scale, and I'm sure there's a vocoder or something involved. Why on earth whoever it was let Andy Latimer sit so far back in the mix on this track is a mystery ...
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson