04-12-2020, 20:11
Stopped to actually listen to "Piano Man" on the radio recently - it's something that usually wafts past my ears almost unnoticed now. I think Billy Joel can't wait for it to end if he ever sings it anymore, but in fact, it's an absolutely perfect character sketch. Someone should, or could, make a screenplay around that whole scenario. It's what he does best, and not in a complicated way either - brings people and situations to life - it's so easy to remember them all. I can picture that bar. Anyway - random thoughts, lol!
Got me delving and this is what surfaced ... these are quite some lyrics!!
Got me delving and this is what surfaced ... these are quite some lyrics!!
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson