09-11-2021, 02:37
My desert island disc. Will never be without a copy of this no matter what. Also happens to be my favourite artwork as well. Not so much the burning man image although I wonder if that sparked off the title for the festival of the same name - but the image of the veil in the wind and the avenue of trees. That sums up the music perfectly for me. Did you hear the bubble burst at the end of 'Welcome to the Machine'? i.e the party's over and the bubble has burst. After the success of Dark Side, Roger became disillusioned with the business side of things and the record companies were smelling money. Lots of it. Hence 'Have a Cigar'. I know more about this album than any other in my collection and I cannot count the number of times I have played this over the years. My late brother introduced me to this album all those years ago and it changed my listening habits forevermore. It changed the way I perceived things from then on. And 'stately' is the perfect word to describe it. Now why didn't I think of that? It's so obvious.
Somewhere between right and wrong there is a garden. I will meet you there - Rumi