14-09-2022, 18:14
Having a bit of a Kayak fest. I have listened to Royal Bed Bouncer - again, and am now engrossed in Nostradamus - The Fate of Man. It has 36 tracks - some of them of less than sixty seconds in duration but the whole thing a weighty 108 minutes nonetheless! It takes the form of a sort of rock opera, I suppose you could say - a little narration here and there. Telling the life story of Nostradamus - no mean feat. Released in 2005. Not sure how many takers this album would have had - or does have - it's super ambitious and feels like more of a soundtrack than anything else, but then again - there was a time when you listened/read and made pictures in your mind (War of the Worlds, as an obvious example) and this harks back to that. I'm admiring of the fact that they went to an enormous amount of time and effort to put this together - and to keep their facts as straight as possible - artistic licence would be inevitable, of course. Something to listen to if you want to make a meal of it!
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson