06-11-2022, 18:52
Decided to listen Magna Carta's The Fields of Eden -2015. All over the place - a little folk, a little 'country', a little fusion, a little progginess, and a leetle rock with a touch of the blues - inoffensive but equally not hugely impactful. Vocals are not fab - I think they lost their good voice some time back and although obviously sincere, they don't seem to have a clear direction so it's a bit of a hotchpotch of sounds; as far as I can tell, they are fairly consistent on that score! There were really good at the epic tracks though, and I think that remains true here too. The title track is far and away the most satisfying (followed by "The Wild Geese") - even if it is a bit of a cautionary tale. Haunting violin (which is a thread throughout the album), great keys, lovely guitarwork ...
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson