12-03-2023, 11:52
I’ve been listening to The Enid’s most recent album, from 2019 – titled U - classic/symphonic rock. I have been under headphones all morning in order to drown out the dreadful noise of the wretched vuvuzela which is quite possibly the most horrible horn ever invented. There’s a big cycle race today and unfortunately, once can hear these things from some distance. Spectators persist in wielding them at sporting events and they are an absolute scourge, IMHO. I think I might have misophonia – the sound really freaks me out! For anyone who doesn’t know what vuvuzelas are (count your lucky stars!) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vuvuzela ... Anway – back to The Enid – I haven’t listened to very much of their catalogue, and saying ‘their’, I’m not sure ‘they’ would exist without Robert John Godfrey who is a bit of a magician. As I found listening previously, some heart achingly lovely work, some bombast, all instrumental (which I never object to).
Can't find single tracks on YT so this is the full album. There's a shorter three minute number "Homily" at the 15 minute mark that's lyrical and not as bombastic as some of the rest - in case anyone cares to listen ...
Can't find single tracks on YT so this is the full album. There's a shorter three minute number "Homily" at the 15 minute mark that's lyrical and not as bombastic as some of the rest - in case anyone cares to listen ...
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson