15-12-2011, 07:51
CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:Bought this back at the beginning of the year, from appearing on all of the best of lists.
PHOENIX "wolfgang amadeus phoenix" cd, 2009.
had this one on my ipod for some time now,and again another i got on recommendation from Corey a while ago...
allmusic put these guys in the 'electronica' genre...not much of that on here IMO...maybe their other four albums fit it though?
all up, not a bad collection of indi pop songs here from this French group, but nothing great neither....
as a group of songs this isnt a bad offering but they are just pleasant background listening IMO....
the problem i have with it is that all the tracks sound similar to the extent that if you dont pay close attention you dont know where one song finishes and the next one starts....
of the ten tracks there are three that i dont like, seven others are likeable giving this a score of 1.7
the album recieved a Grammy for "best alternative album" at the 2009 Grammy's and allmusic score this one 4/5 (2.4)...sadly, again, not that high for me...
from the album:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RulP4OXxFbM live on letterman
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BJDNw7o6so video
love like a sunset II
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6vKp1PPL5k audio
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojaF2OpCmmk audio
Was really dissapointed.
Grade came out a little higher than yours I think, still I expected much higher.
another at the same time, with the same result was Grizzly Bear