31-05-2010, 16:52
gryphon Wrote:It should be quite noticeable that the Mono versions are better than the stereo ....................In some cases you have even got better takes in Mono than stereo, because the mono mixes were made from the best takes as there were no real compromises. EMI was not really set up for the greatest stereo work ( only in the classical department) Old George Martin was a very canny producer and knew how to hide technical limitations well in mono but, in the Stereo mixing he knew that more could be revealed and his nice tight joins and coverings up were much more visible in Stereo
I'm familiar with all the technical arguments. What's really surprising, especially with Sgt Pepper is that the mono remaster actually sounds like a stereo mix. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not actually hearing stereo left/right instrument or voice positioning. I guess it must be decades of being programmed to hear stereo...