24-08-2010, 18:15
Mike lived for quite a while in a rather run down cottage just off from Hergest Ridge with his first wife /girl friend ( Life with Mike is a little unclear in the books I have read !). During his time their he went for many walks around the area. Now with Mike, walking is part of his composing method ,hence: connected with the walks he makes, is the music he writes................so the countryside around there would give the inspiration for his second work: Hergest Ridge..................It is an interesting place as it is near the Welsh boarder and subject to quite quick changes in weather and mood...............so if you went on a sunny day then that might not be so apparent...................Another point of interest : around 1973 /4 Mike often turned up wearing a Penhros Court T shirt. Penhros Court was his local pub on Hergest ridge. So, I guess that sitting drinking in that pub also help the composition process.......................I have visited the pub and the landlord is quite talkative about Mike and the others who came to drink with Mike and remembers he times well. Sadly he no longer had any T shirts......................

Nice to be able to go back to trust and friendship!!!!!!!!!
It's a mixed up sensation this being alive
Oh! it wears a man down into the ground
It's the strangest elation
I can't describe it
Oh it leaves a man weary
It makes a man frown..............................Chris Simpson ( "Mixed Up Sensations" 1975 Martin's Cafe )
It's a mixed up sensation this being alive
Oh! it wears a man down into the ground
It's the strangest elation
I can't describe it
Oh it leaves a man weary
It makes a man frown..............................Chris Simpson ( "Mixed Up Sensations" 1975 Martin's Cafe )