20-12-2010, 21:55
CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:just a observation:
no offence intended at all MH
should Susan boyle really be in 'pop/dance' genre? i know the album is in the pop charts everywhere at the moment,but does she really fit here?
she is not pop nor is she dance, but where should she be...is classical the right place for her?...i dont know? it just seems strange she's in the same genre as Kylie Minogue, Far East Movement,Gaga,Madonna etc
no problem at all
Of course I had hesitations about wherever I put her.
Only chose pop because of x-factor connection.
As far as I'm concerned, she's alternative.
Imagine the feedback I would have got from that.
Putting her with the pop artists you mentioned, seems no more off the wall than putting her in classical with Mozart and Beethoven.