02-04-2011, 15:49
CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:fair enough Tiggi, the best music IMO grows on me over time, and yes, i agree... he is a bit of a knob nowadays, he has always come across to be quite cocky IMO also.
I've been reflecting on whether my distaste for the guys' personality should get in the way of my appreciation of his music. With the exception of Band on The Run, & Wings Over America I've probably not paid attention to his output, and that doesn't seem right.
I think the extensive listening I gave to the Beatles Remasters box sets has brought a fresh appreciation of just how good a writer he was, & that it's time for a bit of a reappraisal.
You've motivated me to explore Macca again Crazyman, and I've spent the afternoon listening and reading reviews. Copies of Run Devil Run, & Memory Almost Full have gone from nowhere on the radar straight to ordered from Amazon, completely bypassing the Buy List.
Cheers, Dude...
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"