31-08-2011, 02:54
I have sat for weeks looking at this post and trying to get up the courage...
James Taylor! There, I said it.
Dobby Dylan is the godfather of the rebirth of singer/writers (the originals being the story tellers who sang history lessons around the fire back before the age of recording, or much any other technology for that matter). But for me JT's voice makes him my favorite. Dylan's voice... not quite as good.
James Taylor! There, I said it.
Dobby Dylan is the godfather of the rebirth of singer/writers (the originals being the story tellers who sang history lessons around the fire back before the age of recording, or much any other technology for that matter). But for me JT's voice makes him my favorite. Dylan's voice... not quite as good.
You can live in staunch denile and mark me as your enemy, but I'm just a voice among the throng who want a brighter destiny, and say with me, "We are the New America!" -Greg Graffin