CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:Peanuts are grown in queensland not here in WA, therefore it is the Gold,Diamond,Opal, or Wine gallery please....WA vineyards make the finest quality wines in the world!
Sorry CH - there are 3 wines I don't like anymore - OZ, SA & Californian. They are all to too tart. A tart every now and then is not a bad thing but not when it comes to wine. LIke Italian, French & Chilean, my favourite being Brunello 2006/2007 from Eeeetaly. Mother's milk for the middle-aged. I'm sure the wine connoisseurs are rolling their eyes in feigned disgust but so be it. Know absolutely nothing about vino. Just know what I like.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.