17-04-2014, 11:59
I have an essential of them!!! Pretty good! They do a lot of various styles...popular with the college crowd so my daughter tells me!!!!...lol
VIOLENT FEMMES "why do birds sing?" cd, 1991
career stats:
studio albums: 8
singles: 19
this album: #141 US, # 27 AU
"american music".........................#2 US(alt charts)
"do you really want to hurt me?"....no chart action
"used to be"................................no chart action
thats it!, all the xmas giftcard purchases are done and dusted....!
now back to the cd library to continue what i own...
this time its another Violent Femmes set(i own four or five)...
and like the others this is a mixed bag IMO...some good songs, some downright aweful ones also...
this album is the same stock standard affair from these guys...their sound simply didnt grow, they had one sound, think "blisters in the sun", and thats them everytime.
it was a tough call for me for best track between "american music" and their cover of the old Culture Club track "do you really want to hurt me?", ive gone for their cover of Boy George this time for something different...
worst track: lack of knowledge
best track: do you really want to hurt me?
1. american music **
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TRF2q-zrj0 video
2. out of the window **
3. look like that **
4. do you really want to hurt me? **
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdRh_Csypfg audio w/lyrics
5. hey nonny nonny *
6. used to be **
7. gorl trouble *
8. he likes me *
9. life is a scream *
10.flamingo baby *
11.lack of knowledge *
12.more money tonight **
13.im free **
rating: 1.5 or 5.10
"allmusic rating: 1.8 or 6/10
The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!