03-05-2014, 16:02
evilB Wrote:Great stuff Sogna! Welcome to MD.Thanks for the warm welcome.
SteveO Wrote:I take it that they are from the Canadian metal kingdom of Quebec!!! Great track....I love it. power, extreme and brutal!!!!That would be correct, that they're from Quebec.
SteveO Wrote:another Quebec band ....with global recognition!!!!
Ever since I'd heard Gorguts I liked them a bit, but could never really get too into their sound for some reason. This song is good. I like the part at 1:55 quite a bit actually. I think they may be in a similar case as Morbid Angel is for me, where I have to let songs sink in a bit, maybe give each a few listens, and then they actually really start to grow on me to the point of really enjoying them. My issue recently was, for the past while most new music I discovered which had any sort of appeal to me I usually really liked instantly. Whereas some years ago I usually always had to let a band's sound sink in before really appreciating it, so I guess I got out of the habit of letting things really grow on me, and got impatient, which put me off of bands that would need to grow on me like Gorguts to fully appreciate.
Right now I'm listening to my favourite Hungarian band called Sear Bliss. I really like their style in this song. I think I enjoy all the parts of the song, but I really like how they incorporated those brass instruments (I'm not sure exactly which ones they are, probably some horn of some sort, trumpet or something,) as well as the kind of alternative/post-rock kind of guitar intro, the gothic synths, and the bluesy guitar solo later in the song.