19-09-2014, 02:22
Wanna hear a Blues take (one of the best Blues pianists), a woman taking a familiar song in a new direction? Deanna Bogart One of the selections from '12s Pianoland, here seen live. Never thought about this song this way but she makes it real: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xQQKi3aKS8 and from http://www.allmusic.com/album/pianoland-mw0002406672 << amazing career so far, outlined here.
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR