17-12-2014, 23:50
The live version of Worth Fighting For by Judus Priest on the Touch of Evil album. The track originated on the Rob Halford comeback album, Angel of Retribution, and appears to have a second vocal, possibly from Glenn Tipton. Either that or Halford managed to radically change his voice. The live version misses the second vocal. In fact, the whole live album seems to suffer from its handling of the vocal tricks on the studio albums, as also on Dissident Aggressor. Really, they need two singers for their live act and Tipton should sing the second parts or they should hire another singer (like Tim Owens). After their illustrious beginning, I sometimes think Judus Priest are the most under-achieving heavy rock band of all time.
âThe fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.â William Shakespeare, As You Like It