13-03-2015, 06:02
kate Wrote:The next 48 hrs. will be a Perfect Storm of Ebay, Discogs, and Amazon
Your use of English is otherwise so cogent, I find this error surprising. To wit: a 'perfect storm" is never, nowhere a good thing but a confluence of weather elements that bring doom, death and destruction. This phrase has NOT come to mean anything different. Mayhaps you meant something like this?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_zqgP5m9zI << though the Staples Singers just kill:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmBNuNNnGHY
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR