kvincent5555 Wrote:Usually, but I think it's important to distinguish between pop as an artistic form or genre and manufactured/disposable pop. In more concrete terms, it's the difference between the Beatles' music, a handfull of great pop songs by other artists, and the remaining 99% of pop music, which is like you say: reflecting short-term trends, tastes, and commercial interests rather than breaking new ground or aiming for quality songs that stand the test of time.
I see nothing wrong with sweet, catchy, melodic songs per se, so long as they're good, and don't make me want to rip my ears off or strangle the singer.
i find this interesting, being a pop fan-and into boybands in particular.
i can see where you are coming from, but, you have to look at the pop target audience-and its the reason why bands like take that, nkotb and the like succeed the first, and second time around..
the record companys go for the young girls-when you're 13, 14 years old, you are starting to like boys, they are a bit immature at that age (i have younger brothers too, i have studied them) and girls are still a little unsure of themselves...so, you give them something to lust over-a boyband...normally good looking guys, who you can look at, pick a favourite,and not get hurt as its all fantasy-the record companies make a mint, as the girls have access to their parents disposable income,and well £25 for a t shirt that you just have to have...they rake it in.. in the meantime, they boys around you start to grow up.....and well.....you can like them, love them and grow up (lmao-no jokes here about the fact i am single, i am trying to be serious:wink

but...you never forget your first crush-and thats why the reunions are working, cause those girls who were there the first time around, are getting to relive their teen years!!!!!
the theory works too for the gay scene-take that have a hge gay following, cause like the girls, at the time when they were starting out, being gay wasn't as mainstream as it is now-so again, give the boys an object of lust, and money rolliung in...and when the girls grow up, throw something different into the mix-like guitas (think busted)
musicially, not all of it is bad, sometimes you get a surprising talent-howver, problems arise when the manufactured "pop" artists want to do something with a bit of depth-the band a1 here are the perfect example-their "hits" are the biggest load of pop drivel i have ever heard (and being mates with mark, i habve heard ALL of the drivel) and the band were dropped as soon as they wanted to branch out and do something more mature....a member of that band has written the song that is being used for the british legion this year to raise money and it is fantastic...