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What Are You Listening To?
TV on The Radio - Dear Science

The list of influences I've read for this band don't materialise in their music to my mind. The sole exception is a loosePere Ubu similarity, and I think there's a faint hint of Talking Heads.


Radiohead - In Rainbows

Not their best IMHO, but pretty much anything they put out is of interest. Can't imagine what they'll release next...


Band of Horses - Cease to Begin

Another of Sub Pop's gentler releases. Rousing vocal melodies, & simple music combine to good effect...
Ani Difranco - Not a Pretty Girl

Difranco takes musical self-sufficiency as far as is possible with this album:

[Incredibly patronising & unreconstructed mode on]

- Writes her own material (Not unusual, but commendable nevertheless)

- Sings & plays almost everything (Talented guitarist)

- Produced the album herself (Starting to appear a bit of a know-it-all...)

- Songs are published by her own publishing company (Smart move)

- Album released by her own Righteous Babe label (Control freak. Probably a lesbian...)

[Incredibly patronising & unreconstructed mode off]

This is a smart album of punked-up singer-songwriting.
Chico Debarge- Oh no! .... off his new album Addiction. It Rocks!
Grandaddy - The Broken Down Comforter Collection

An odds & sods compilation from a top band.

I'm a sucker for slurring, fuzzed-up guitars, so this is right up my street...


The Arlenes - Stuck on Love

A transantlantic not-very-alt Alt Country band. Fine songs, worth checking out...
Primal Scream - Vanishing Point

Stylistically all over the place...

There's raw Stonesy Rock, Electronic Rock, Industrialish Rock, Dub, Melodic Pop/Rock.

Hangs together very well.
Elf Power - Walking With The Beggar Boys

Classy, straightforward Indie Rock.

A bit of a departure for this band, but very good...
GREAT album. Phan here myself.
^ Excellent !!!

TV on The Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain

Another good one from TVoTR...
The Felice Brothers - Yonder is The Clock

Latest slice of shambling Alt-Americana from The Felice Brothers. Sounds astonishingly like Dylan, but stands on its' own two feet.
Rufus Wainwright - Want Two

Not my favourite RW album, but it is growing on me.

A very gay album...

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