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my "singles" collection
JOHN TRAVOLTA "greased lightnin' " b/w "razzamatazz" 1978

another of those tracks from the Grease soundtrack that made the charts....reached #40 here,
love this "a" side,love the choreography in the video and love that movie also...
christ, i even love the "b" side also,which is uptempo pop recorded in 1975, but not released until 78

"greased lightnin' *** video
"razzamatazz" *** audio
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

love the movie but damn I hated that song
might have been the visual

THE SPECIALS "rat race" b/w "rude boy's outta jail" 1980

The Specials, one of the big Ska bands from the UK from the late 70s/early 80s...
got to #1 in the Uk, failed to chart here...
i prefer the "b" side over that rat race song, but that one's not bad...i was heavily into the whole Uk Ska thing back then so there will be plenty of singles like this
to come from these guys,Madness,The Beat,Bad Banners,Selector,Rhoda Dhaker,Fun Boy Three etc etc, not sure theyll all stand up, but this one does!

"rat race" ** vevo video
"rude boy's outta jail" *** audio
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

MOODY BLUES "nights in white satin" b/w "cities" 1968

tracked back in the early 1980s for 'classic singles' from back in the day...i discovered this one and Procol's "whiter shade of pale" on the same day,
fell in love with both immediately...
this one reached #8 on the charts here back in 1972, only reached #95 on its original release in 68 though??,deserved to be #1 IMO,but thats the way it goes i guess,
nothing to say about this track except...."rock classic"!

"nights in white satin" *** original video
"cities" ** audio
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

DURAN DURAN "is there something i should know" b/w "faith in this colour" 1983

without a doubt my favourite of their singles...nothing like the crappy 'planet earth' or 'girls on film' rubbish!
a non album single released between "rio" and "seven and the ragged tiger" albums...
only reached #4 here, a dissapointment by their chart success back then...
one of the Uk new wave bands from that period that still sound 'fresh' today IMO...

"is there something i should know" *** video
"faith in this colour" * audio
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

DAN SEALS "bop" b/w "in san antone" 1984

only chart entry here from this country crossover artist...not sure why i even bought this as its almost as bad as that stupid "achy breaky heart" rubbish
only reached #41 here,obviously liked it enough back then to buy it...but not now, strange, as i dislike this drivel but absolutely adore the country sounding "b" side "in san antone" that should have been the single, but i guess back then i didnt really give 'real' a look in so i wouldnt have bought it if it was the "a" side!
ive never heard anything else by him so i did a quick wikki search...Dan was the younger brother of Jim Seals(seals & crofts)

"bop" * video
"in san antone" *** audio
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

simply love Nights in White Satin and The Specials !
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
JACKIE WILSON "reet petite" b/w "you bought about a change in me" & "im the one to do it" 1987

not sure why, but this single from 1958 was re-issued here and in the UK in 1987...maybe it was featured in a movie or something???
this was when i fell in love with Jackie Wilson...really liked the other two tracks also...
Reet Petite reached #10 back in '58 here, and got to a respectably good #20 upon re-issue29yrs later, great stuff!

"reet petite" *** audio
"you bought about a change in me" *** audio
"im the one to do it" ** audio
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

GUNS 'n' ROSES "sweet child o'mine" b/w "its so easy" 1987

the Gunner's debut single...
first time i heard this and watched the video i fell in love with the "a" side...pretty sure i went out the next day and snapped up the single,
the album was released a week or two later which i got on cd the day of release, fell in love with "appetite for destruction" when i heard that also...i didnt bother waiting to hear their next three albums prior to purchasing them i was so imporessed with their debut!
this is great rock and roll,and IMO, one of the greatest rock singles of all time!
the single reached #10 on the charts here...shoulda got to #1 IMO!

"SWEET CHILD O'MINE" *** video
"IT'S SO EASY" ** audio
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

JOE DOLCE "shuddup you face" b/w "aint in no hurry" 1980

light-hearted psuedo comedy record from 1980...very catchy,extremely stupid but one of those tracks you gotta sing the chorus to when its on...totally annoying!
"b" side is more like a real song and its not too bad neither...
this single went all the way to the top of the charts here, from memory i think i spent about seven or eight weeks at the top...the biggest selling single of the year in 1980 over here...
Joe comes from Ohio apparently!

"shuddup you face" ** video
"aint in no hurry" ** audio
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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