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SteveO Wrote:Welcome to MD, Greta! I never heard of Coldrain.

They are an amazing japanese band;they are still young so they have time to make themselves know but they are really my opinion obviously...excuse me if I made mistake I'm study english so for now it's not really good...but thanks for the answer.
SteveO Wrote:Nice one! This band kicks ass!

this is the last song they made...from the new album...what do you think?
[Image: 220px-Eternal_Stratovarius_album.png]

STRATOVARIUS "eternal" cd, 2015

career stats:
studio albums.......16

this album..................#5 Finland...#22 Switzerland...#23 Japan
"shine in the dark" chart info available

so sixteen albums(this one is #16)....
released their first in 1989....
these guys from Finland reside in the Metal genre's of Progressive Metal, Symphonic Metal and Neoclassical Metal....
I have no idea what their back catalogue is like because I only heard of them earlier this year when I posted the single off the album....
to me this sounds like a cross between the sounds of Europe(remember them and their one solitary hit "the final countdown"?) and Iron Maiden...
I guess the hard rock, pseudo metal sounds come from Iron Maiden and the symphonic/progressive sounds come from Europe...
either way, this is not a bad album, it is pretty hard to listen to this on one solitary sitting because a lot of it sounds the same to me(that doesn't make it bad, just makes it monotonous for me)....
a couple o dislike and a couple I love, the rest I like...


worst track: my eternal dream
best track: the lost saga


tracks: eternal dream *
2...shine in the dark ***
3...rise above it ***
4...lost without a trace **
5...feeding the wire * my line of work ** in the mirror **
8...few are those ** in your eyes **
10.the lost saga ***


rating: 2.1
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


VANISHING POINT "in thought" cd, 1997

career stats:
studio albums.......6

this album: no charted info

one of those "3 for $10" purchases because I wanted something i'd never heard of for a surprise...
I cant remember now whether it was the cover or the artist name that drew me to pick this one...
anyway, I assumed it would be metal or hard rock, and I was correct...
Progressive Metal band from Sydney, Australia....
this is their debut set...
my initial thoughts were...theres Prog all over this one, plus the metal riffs to boot...
im not really a Prog or Metal fan so its hard to compare them to anyone or anything...
I do hear bits of Iron Maiden, that 'barracuda' song and touches of Iron Butterfly through this one...
theres probably a hundred other bands I could equate them to if I knew of any...
not a bad album, some of the tracks make my interest wane because theyre just too long and nothing
keeps me intrigued...
ok, so I have a bit more metal now, doesn't mean im a head-banger, and sorry SteveO, I never will be mate!


worst track: wind
best track: vanishing point

sorry, my favourite track is not available,
the only one available is the one below:



1...the only one **
2...vanishing point **
3...wind(instrumental) * company of darkness **
5...dream maker **
6...sunlight windows **
7...blind **
8...forgotten self *
9...a memory *
10.inner peace *


rating: 1.6
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 61L5tsAdsnL._AA160_.jpg]

VESPERS DESCENT "fragments of the forgotten" cd, 2001

first up,
neither Wiki nor 'allmusic' have any info on these guys, but Amazon have three albums listed....
another of those surprise "3 for $10" cd deals from the discount bin from my mate Adrian...
seriously, the guy should have warned me what this crap was!, infact he should have paid me to take it away!....
so I now own one of those screamy, growl metal albums....
everyone here except SteveO dislikes this stuff(and that's fine, whatever floats your boat SteveO, old mate!)...
nothing on here I remotely like whatsoever....
a perfect score at the bottom end of the scoring system from me....

so for SteveO's benefit, heres one off the album just for him...enjoy mate!

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

I somehow got into an industrial metal kick the other day and shuffled Angst. Some of the songs (specifically this one) have been stuck in my head since.

[Image: 220px-Visiondivine_streamofconsciousness.jpg]

VISION DIVINE "stream of consciousness" cd, 2004

career stats:
studio albums...........8

this chart info.

I bought this in one of those "3 for $10" bins...
never heard of them and decided to take a chance because I liked the cover art, had no idea what music it was
but I suspected metal....
and is metal, they call this 'progressive metal', whatever the heck that means?!?!?!
anyway, these guys are from Italy according to Wiki...
Italian Metal....just doesn't fit...
typical metal sounds to me but im sure the metalheads would know and hear the difference between the sub-genres...
a couple of okay tracks on here for me but generally, like most metal, it all sounds the same to me.


worst track: la vita pugge
best track: the secret of life

the link takes a couple of minutes to kick into the live track!


tracks: of consciousness intro
1...the secret of life **
2...colours of the world **
3...into the night *
4...the fallen feather ** vita pugge *
6...versions of the same **
7...through the eyes of God *
8...shades *
9...we are, we are not *
10.fools garden *
11.the fall of reason *
12.out of the maze *
13.identities *


rating: 1.3
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Epik High, Dynamic Duo, Simon Dominic cypher 2012
[Image: 220px-Rage_-_Soundchaser_album_cover.jpg]

RAGE "soundchaser" cd, 2003.

career stats:
studio albums..................22

this chart info available!

German metal outfit,
this is their sixteenth studio album...
never heard o them until I picked this one up in a "3 or $10" discount bin....
with those discount bin surprises you tend to get pure crap or something fantastic....
thankfully, this time round I got something that I think is absolutely brilliant....
anyway, on with the album....
the 'soundchaser' is featured on the cover art, its also the band's mascot(seems a lot of metal band's have mascots, I wonder why????
this one is a concept album based around the mascot...
it tells the story of (and this is a copy and paste job from Wiki:
This is a conceptual album featuring a science fiction/horror story about the Soundchaser, Rage's mascot. A biomechanoid creature, crafted by the elders to serve as a sentinel, it has turned into a monster, attacking anything that issues a sound.
they call this metal, but for the most part it is hard rock to me...proper hard rock vocals, none of that screaming, deep-throaty growl rubbish...
it actually sounds like early Metalica to me...
even the two minute opening instrumental track is good IMO....
nothing on here I dislike and plenty I love...
a great buy for $3.33.

the link posted contains the two minute instrumental so if you don't want to hear/watch it, skip that part and get straight into the song.


worst track: flesh and blood
best track: war of worlds



1...orgy of destruction(into-instrumental) **
2...war of worlds ***
3...great old ones **
4...soundchaser ***
5...defenders of the ancient life ***
6...secrets in a weird world **
7...flesh and blood **
8...human metal **
9...see you in heaven or hell ***
10.wake the nightmares ***
11.death is on its way ***


rating: 2.6
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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