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[Image: 220px-Sarah_Brightman_-_Timeless.jpg]

SARAH BRIGHTMAN with LSO  "timeless" aka "time to say goodbye"  cd, 1997

from the now infamous box...
Soprano Sarah's fifth.
was called "timeless" in some countries and "time to say goodbye" in others for some reason.
a couple of featured artists (its obviously not just a rap thing LOL).
platinum in a multitude of countries.
nice collection of tracks.

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

(11-02-2020, 09:37)CRAZY-HORSE Wrote: okay, so i know the vocals on this track are a bit repetitive but Ruby and Jerome might appreciate it.
MH go there for sure, but a couple of minutes is probably more than enough for you mate.

Having followed the strict discipline of Ananda Marga for 11 years and later on become totally disillusioned with that particular movement and many of it’s methods this particular chant sadly triggers many unpleasant memories.
That reaction is a purely personal one and not one I expect others to experience.
Ohm Shiva Shankara Hari, Hari Gunja.
Forum Moderation is often no more than small minded tyranny.
(14-02-2020, 04:53)Dissily Mordentroge Wrote:
(08-02-2020, 13:10)Ruby Wrote: two tracks,
both Sanskrit chants, one lasts 40 plus minutes, the other almost 30 minutes.
and he and his band have added instrumentation to it to compliment it.
was listening whilst i was doing some tidying up in my Music Library.
pleasant background music.
has a soothing, calming effect on ones being (not that I need calming and soothing, im a mellow soul)

okay, so i know the vocals on this track are a bit repetitive but Ruby and Jerome might appreciate it.
MH go there for sure, but a couple of minutes is probably more than enough for you mate.

Most of these chants are intended to accompany meditation, not to be listened to on their own account. The main focus for instance in tantric yoga meditation is on the rythm of breathing in time to the chant. So, as stand alone music without that discipline they’re more likely to send you to sleep than nirvana.

^^Ruby didn't wrote. 
Just sayin'.  Rolleyes
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson
India regards this form as ‘classical’ . Maybe not in the Western sense but it’s certainly formal and has it’s own strict rules .

Again unsure which section to place this I’ve decided to dump in under ‘World Music’ even though it’s very much Indian . What’s striking is the use of violence and criminality that’s migrated over from Western forms such as rap.
Forum Moderation is often no more than small minded tyranny.
Forum Moderation is often no more than small minded tyranny.
(16-01-2020, 09:16)CRAZY-HORSE Wrote: [Image: 220px-Charlotte_Church_-_Voice_of_an_Angel.jpg]

CHARLOTTE CHURCH  "voice of an angel"  cd,  1998

12years of age for this one.
debut album.
from wales, never heard a bad vocalist from there.
Soprano, vocal quality/control is years ahead of such a tender age.
mainly hymns/spiritual songs on here.
nice album

favourite track is this age old classic:

An age old classic? Maybe so but it carries the deluded notion of England as the New Israel (Jerusalem).
Forum Moderation is often no more than small minded tyranny.
Pergolesi - Stabat Mater - Nathalie Stutzmann 39.21
Forum Moderation is often no more than small minded tyranny.
The recording quality leaves a lot to be desired but - - - -
Forum Moderation is often no more than small minded tyranny.
Every now and again I get into a morbid mood and feel like something Russian
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 10 / Dudamel · Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela
Forum Moderation is often no more than small minded tyranny.
I once heard this described as ‘A hymn for the extinction of the human race’.
Forum Moderation is often no more than small minded tyranny.

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