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World of Celebrities. Bad or Good?
AddyO Wrote:...have taken the decision not to watch them, but will, try and keep informed about them and such things so as not to be ignorant.
Why do you care if you're ignorant of "such things"?
Quote:if you're not interested, don't pay attention!
That's what I said!
JonG Wrote:Why do you care if you're ignorant of "such things"?

That's what I thought as well - I can understand not wanting to be ignorant of things that you place value on - but why care about things you don't.
@JonG and CMB1888.

My reason for keeping up with popular culture is because i am interested in popular culture, but not such things specifically, as Samantha mentioned. There are many things i'm not actually interested in, but try to get to know about, so as to have a broad knowledge base. To put it simply, "Its good to know". I hope that explains.
AddyO Wrote:@JonG and CMB1888.

My reason for keeping up with popular culture is because i am interested in popular culture, but not such things specifically, as Samantha mentioned. There are many things i'm not actually interested in, but try to get to know about, so as to have a broad knowledge base. To put it simply, "Its good to know". I hope that explains.
Yes it does and I agree.
I don't really give a shit about the latest rap artist that gets busted for whatever reason, but if I didn't follow that crap, I would never know that a lot of rap artists get busted for whatever reason. Aha, a connection. Must be the rap that makes them do it.:eek:

Music Head Wrote:Aha, a connection. Must be the rap that makes them do it.:eek:

lol it could just be a sign of the times........not the rap but the fact that it seems to get glorified by celebrity....if a youth on the street gets busted, he's a yob, a thug or a criminal....BUT if a celeb does it...they're a little bit naughty......

hhhhmmmmmm.....double standards maybe?
we can conquer this great divide-hanson
kerry101 Wrote:lol it could just be a sign of the times........not the rap but the fact that it seems to get glorified by celebrity....if a youth on the street gets busted, he's a yob, a thug or a criminal....BUT if a celeb does it...they're a little bit naughty......

hhhhmmmmmm.....double standards maybe?

I'd like to know, and maybe i'm alone on this, but can people/society decide if celebs are like normal, everyday working people or not?!
Don't cry double standards, then say they can't have privacy, even if they use it to their advantage.

"Death to jealousy".Confusedmile:
lol, Addy, i am all for celebs life's staying private, and if they choose to sell the details of their lives, i loose respect for them.

this goes for the "musicians" i know. one of them has sold 2 stories this week, in 2 countries, selling his love life with 2 different girls and i have very little time for him, because its not the first time he has done it...

i figure a criminal is a criminal no matter what their job is, and everyone should be treated the same, be they "pop/rock Stars" or a window cleaner...all deserve the same punishments, yet more often that not (from studying the court cases while i was at uni-ther Law degree comes in useful sometimes:biggrinSmileit is usually the so called celebs that get off lightly with a slapped wrist, at the end of the day, making music is a job.
we can conquer this great divide-hanson
kerry101 Wrote:lol, Addy, i am all for celebs life's staying private, and if they choose to sell the details of their lives, i loose respect for them.

this goes for the "musicians" i know. one of them has sold 2 stories this week, in 2 countries, selling his love life with 2 different girls and i have very little time for him, because its not the first time he has done it...

i figure a criminal is a criminal no matter what their job is, and everyone should be treated the same, be they "pop/rock Stars" or a window cleaner...all deserve the same punishments, yet more often that not (from studying the court cases while i was at uni-ther Law degree comes in useful sometimes:biggrinSmileit is usually the so called celebs that get off lightly with a slapped wrist, at the end of the day, making music is a job.

Hello Kerry.

I spent all day thinking how i was going to broach my response to u, and here it is:

Firstly, thank u for slapping me in the face with your law degree.

Secondly, u should understand that as an intelligent, educated individual, who sounds quite reasonable, that u r in the minority! U thinking a "celebs" job is just a job, is not a view shared by most, therefore, with all due respect, what u say doesn't count.

Lastly, and i think i'm right in stating this, a celebs career could end at any time, therefore they have to make as much as they can while they can. It is only the lucky/talented/very well educated few etc....... that have longevity, such as the Madonna's, Eltons, Rolling Stones etc.... and even they have to work very hard at keeping up.
sorry for jumping in Kerry but -

1 - Someone giving the benefit of their expertise is good - I found it interesting what someone who studied entertainment law knows.

2 - Having a minority opinion still counts

3 - Anyone's career could finish at any time and if you are defining a career in music purely in economic terms (and the make as much money as quickly as you can viewpoint seems to be just that ) then that makes it a job as far as I can tell.
I don't think Kerry is in the minority .....I guess she is part of the silent majority

As far as I know the English language contains the word "you" ....u is the 21 letter of the alphabet.

I wonder also if you can "slap" someone with a degree can be on a substantial piece of paper but, I would not be of the opinion, that you could "slap" someone with it............maybe, as the person who has it, has proved to an independent body, that they have spent at least three years working for and proving ones competence in that area could respect it..................Cool
Nice to be able to go back to trust and friendship!!!!!!!!!

It's a mixed up sensation this being alive
Oh! it wears a man down into the ground
It's the strangest elation
I can't describe it
Oh it leaves a man weary
It makes a man frown.
.............................Chris Simpson ( "Mixed Up Sensations" 1975 Martin's Cafe )

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