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theres only 4 songs of Roy's that ive heard that i dont like: danny boy,pretty paper,penny arcade & working for the man, i am refering to the songs and not Roy's voice. i thought 'you got it' was as good as anything he did in the 60's, 'mystery girl' was ok, and his Travelling Wilbury's stuff was brilliant,mind you with Harrison,Dylan,Petty and Lynne at your side,not much could go wrong.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:Tiggi, my piece on 'lodger' is page 111 of the 'alternative' 'what are you listening to' section. i'd like to know what you think of what i wrote and if you agree with the 1.9 rating i gave it.

[INDENT]Good post.

I think your review section on the recording techniques was spot-on. I read a Bowie biography at about 18 years old, and I found what he was doing recording this album really exciting. You've included some factoids that I wasn't aware of, so full marks for product knowledge :biggrin:.

I'm fascinated by artists taking risks with the creative process as he was doing here with Eno, and this sort of Talking Heads Art Rock music always appeals to me, so I'd give it an 86% score. What does that equate to on the "Ed Scale" ??

Looking at how you've rated the songs, I'd say I probably like it more than you do ?!

Out of interest, Allmusic rates the album as 4 1/2 stars out of 5. I'd pretty much agree with that... [/INDENT]
Another thumbs up for Roy from me. I'm glad he had a renaissance in his autumn years, but the gold is in the early stuff...
[Image: 61a44VzVcuL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

My own copy.

Still liking this muchly...
Always thought Bowie was light years ahead of everyone else. And his experimental phase with Eno was brilliant. Anyone ever listen to Tin Machine?
I only have the second TM album, but think it's a fair effort. What I can't make out is why such imaginative artists seem to lose it at some point in their career. Haven't heard much from him recently that's impressed at all...
The only recent thing he did and which I really enjoyed was his vocal cover of Comfortably Numb with DG. I actually prefer his interpretation of the lyric to any of the Floyd members but maybe that's just because it was a new slant on such a classic. And I still play Ziggy Stardust to death. Never tire of it.
Pretty much anything between The Man Who Sold The World & Let's Dance does it for me...
CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:theres only 4 songs of Roy's that ive heard that i dont like: danny boy,pretty paper,penny arcade & working for the man, i am refering to the songs and not Roy's voice. i thought 'you got it' was as good as anything he did in the 60's, 'mystery girl' was ok, and his Travelling Wilbury's stuff was brilliant,mind you with Harrison,Dylan,Petty and Lynne at your side,not much could go wrong.

I would add Oobey Doobey to my don't like list. Stupid song.

Agree about the Wilburys stuff.
Was glad when his career had a resurgence thanks to that gang.

Today I'm going way back to the Doobie Brothers - Dark-Eyed Cajun Woman specifically. Been meaning to get my hands on this for a long time. (the song not the woman!). Used to have it on vinyl years ago. Just a great laid back groove. It's the Oobey Doobey comment what dunnit.

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