from my library (cd)
Elvis's 13th album and he still has it. Not many artists can say that. Still lacking the respect on these shores
that he had across the pond. Dumb americans. Two McCartney collaborations here with Playboy To A Man and So Like
Candy. The latter one of the six love tracks for me. Favorite is All Grown Up (no clip), which I remember playing
for my daughter on her 18th birthday, with tears from both. She won't remember it, I always will. Enough of that
crap, damn wimp. It's a friggin song, get over it. Worst goes to the short Couldn't Call It Unexpected No. 2. Hey,
they list it, I grade it. Then we have the closer Couldn't Call It Unexpected No. 4. Not sure what happened to
numbers 1 and 3. Whoa, that was totally unexpected. Surprised to see allmusic really cut this one down. Stupid
professionals. The album reached #55 here and #5 in the UK. Single of The Other Side Of Summer got #43 UK and
nowhere here and So Like Candy was a non-charter in both. Apparently youtube users didn't care for this either, as
only 4 of the 14 tracks are available. Idiot youtube users.
Worst Track - Couldn't Call It Unexpected No. 2
Best Track - All Grown Up
"I'm trouble" she said
Spread out on the floor of her father's house
Her promise was almost undone
Under her tongue, dissolving her responsibilities
To finally deny everyone with every unflattering comparison
All grown up
And you don't care anymore
And you hate all the people that you used to adore
And you despise all the rumors and lies of the life you led before
Did I hear you right?
You're feeling hounded and pushed around
You want to just lay down and die
If all of this life has been such a big disappointment to you
Why don't you stop blaming some guy
And go give the next one a try
All grown up
And you don't care anymore
And you hate all the people that you used to adore
And you despise all the rumors and lies of the life you led before
But look at yourself
You'll see you're still so young
You haven't earned the weariness
That sounds so jaded on your tongue
"I'm weak" she says
And blesses herself and gets into bed
Clutching the covers to her throat
"So punish me now and let me go back to the sham of my life"
"This night is the perfect antidote for all of the poison that
you wrote"
All grown up
And you don't care anymore
And you hate all the people that you used to adore
And you despise all the rumors and lies of the life you led before
1) The Other Side Of Summer ***
video -
2) Hurry Down Doomsday (The Bugs Are Taking Over) **
live -
3) How To Be Dumb ***
4) All Grown Up ***
5) Invasion Hit Parade **
6) Harpie's Bizarre **
7) After The Fall ***
8) Georgie And Her Rival ***
9) So Like Candy ***
live -
10) Couldn't Call It Unexpected No. 2 *
11) Playboy To A Man **
12) Sweet Pear **
13) Broken **
14) Couldn't Call It Unexpected No. 4 **
live -
3's - 6
2's - 7
1's - 1
Grade - 2.4
so many albums, so little time