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Cool man, I've just d'loaded 'Squeezing Out Sparks' along with 'Mona Lisa's Sister'. I'll check out your reviews.
"Blogging like Jesus, tweet like a Pope
Site traffic heavy, I'm YouTubing hope" - Wire- 'Blogging' 2015

"But me and you were not to blame
Love always returns from where it came
Back to black and in the end,
It's all the same."- Terry Allen 'Back to Black' 1996[URL=""][/URL]
[Image: 41RHGVW3BBL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

Fairly inconsequential UK Soft Rock.

They share a sound with sort of Gerry Rafferty and Alan Parsons Project.

Decent enough, but doesn't get played that often.

Allmusic 3/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 220px-Styx_-_Equinox.jpg]

Funny, liking this album more than I remember liking this album. Must be the trip.......back in time, I mean. Never a big synth fan, which Styx was always heavy on. Nevertheless I love the first three tracks here, then it tailed off. This is the Chicago groups fifth album and they had yet to hit it big, although the single of Lady, off of their second album was the hint of their potential. This was the last album with guitarist John Curulewski, who would be replaced by Tommy Shaw. It was also their first album with new label A&M after differences with former label Wooden Nickel. The album stalled at #58 in the states with the single of Lorelei reaching #27. The best was yet to come.


Worst Track - Prelude 12

Best Track - Mother Dear

Lonely feelings in the city
One room flat with crumbling walls
Sirens play a distant melody
Neon shadows paint the halls

In the thirteen months I've spent here
With my manuscript and rhymes
I've paid in cash for foolish pleasures
Mother dear you'd call them crimes

Raise the roof
Light the lite
Mother dear I'm returning tonight
Now I see
Your concern
Mother dear how you taught me to learn

I been a Roman for survival
Showing two sides of my face
I need the comfort of your wisdom
I'm coming home to your embrace

If by chance I pass before you
Don't discount my gratitude
You're responsible for me here
And of course my attitude

Raise the roof
Light the lite
Mother dear I'm returning tonight
Now I see
Your concern
Mother dear how you taught me to learn

Stayin' up half the night
Wonderin' if what I'm doin' is right
Raise the roof
Light the lite
Mother dear I'm returning tonight

1) Light Up - ***
audio -
2) Lorelei - ***
audio -
3) Mother Dear - ***
audio -
4) Lonely Child - **
audio -
5) Midnight Ride - *
audio -
6) Born For Adventure - **
audio -
7) Prelude 12 - *
8) Suite Madame Blue - **
audio -

3's - 3
2's - 3
1's - 2

Grade - 2.1
# 1,2,3,6 werent bad tracks,the rest quite forgettable,
never thought much of them anyway, except "kilroy was 'ere" album...been going to review it for a few weeks now, have to pull it out over the next couple of days and do it, from memory you dont have that one so it'll be interesting to hear your comments about it MH
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 510dZX9tkXL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

1976 "classic" that has much to answer for (the slew of similar albums released in its' wake).

It's hard to dislike this one, although it epitomises much that I don't really like...

Guitarist Tom Scholz was near to giving up on music when someone finally gave him the opportunity to record his brainchild. The rest is history, and this would go on to be the biggest selling debut album ever.

A bit cheesy, and multi-tracked to the hilt, there are still some good R & R songs on here.

AllMusic 4+/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"


pretty good album that first one.
thing is with them, it's not that bad to have songs on the same album sound alike if you like the sound.
when all subsequent albums start sounding the same, it got old fast.

[Image: 41JVtNHfBsL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

PETER CRISS "kiss" 1978, vinyl, Russian picture disc vinyl and cd #59 Aust, #43 US

i know most of you are going to say "bloody KISS,thats crap!" but its not crap, and its not KISS.

in 1978, due to internal rumblings within the band, KISS decided to take a break and all four members put out solo albums, all titled "KISS" to maintain some sort of unity between them. Paul's and Ace's albums sounded like KISS albums, Gene went off on his own merry tangent with a nice mix of songs(better than most of the tracks he has done as part of KISS) and Peter, who made the best solo outing of them all...not bad for the "sticks" guy always at the back of the pack! he had the freedom to explore his musical love of soul, R&B and pop and the result is a bloody good album, there are three beautiful ballads(tracks 4,8,10) on this album,equal to,if not better than his KISS standard "beth", a classy rock ballad(track 6),five original rock/R&B songs and a remake of the old soul classic "tossin' and turnin'", all of which make for a better album than most of the KISS albums that followed.
Peter has a raspy/slightly 'lispy' voice that blends well to ballads and rock equally and KISS should have used a few more of his songs and a few less of Gene Simmons songs IMO.

worst track: kiss the girl goodbye
best track: easy thing


1. i'm gonna love you** audio
2. you matter to me*** audio
3. tossin' and turnin'*** audio live
4. dont you let me down*** #66 Aust, audio
5. that's the kind of sugar papa likes*** audio
6. easy thing*** audio
7. rock me baby** audio
8. kiss the girl goodbye** audio with lyrics
9. hooked on rock 'n' roll** audio
10.i cant stop the rain*** audio with lyrics


rating 2.6
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 41JFMcB6mnL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

GENE SIMMONS "kiss" 1978, vinyl,Russian picture disc and cd. #32 Aust, #22 US

never judge a book...or a record for that matter by its cover!
this one looks from the cover like when you play it the seven gates of hell are going to open and we're all going to live under a thousand year reign of the Prince of Darkness(or God of Thunder if you prefer)....but thankfully that didnt happen as Gene came up with the most unlike-KISS sounding record of the four solo albums released in 1978. theres a couple of true Gene rock songs here(tracks 1 and 10), theres psuedo-disco/pop (tracks 2,5 and 6), theres also influence from The Beatles, noteably(see you tonight), elsewhere the tracks are either poppy, the classic ballad(mr.make believe) and believe it or not Gene crooning his way through Disney's "when you wish upon a star"
The album is also notable because it benefits from the contributions of many '70s rock stars, likeAerosmith's Joe Perry, Cheap Trick's Rick Nielson, Cher, Bob Seger, Donna Summer, Helen Reddy, and the Doobie Brothers'Jeff "Skunk" Baxter.

worst track: when you wish upon a star
best track: mr.make believe


1. radioactive*** #41 UK audio
2. burning up with fever* audio
3. see you tonight*** live
4. tunnel of love* audio
5. true confessions* audio
6. livin' in sin** audio
7. always near you/nowhere to hide*
8. man of 1000 faces**
9. mr.make believe*** audio
10.see you in your dreams*
11.when you wish upon a star* audio


rating 1.7 (im surprised it comes out that high)
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

come on Lloyd, 2 more. you can do it!

LOL, yeah ok seeing as you twisted my arm,i'll get on to it now.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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