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[Image: g02006zg6bm.jpg]

JIMMY BARNES "for the working class man" 1985,cd. #1 AU.

this is the second solo album from Aussie rocker Barnes since Cold Chisel disbanded in 1983,who incidently were bigger here in their day than AC/DC were!
the album has a real feel of American Heartland rock to it, it came out about the same time as Cougar's "scarecrow",has the same feel as that one but a bit heavier in the music, both albums were overplayed on radio here at the time for about 18 months, but nevertheless both are mid 80s classics IMO.
Barnes has some great sing-a-long anthems on this one, his finest solo album IMO, six of the 12 tracks were hits here which is pretty good for any artist to do off a single album.
only Beatles,Elvis,Madonna,Michael Jackson and Rod Stewart have had more Aussie #1 hits than Jimmy,unfortunately none of those #1's are off this album.


worst track: paradise
best track: working class man


1. i'd die to be with you tonight*** #7AU live
2. ride the night away*** #39AU live
3. american heartbeat**
4. working class man*** #4AU, #74 US live
5. without your love*** live audio
6. no second prize*** #12AU live
7. vision**
8. promise me you'll call** #86AU video
9. boys cry out for war**
10.daylight** #12AU live


rating: 2.3

couple of bonus tracks to listen to:

lover lover video

good times (with INXS) live

simply the best (with Tina Turner) video
this was the original version before Tina had a solo hit with it,originally recorded for the Australian Rugby League as their theme song in 1992.

river deep,mountain high live
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: Warren_Zevon_-_Bad_Luck_Streak_in_Dancing_School.jpg]

Warren's fourth album and highly anticipated by me after the tremendous Excitable Boy. As usual when I do that, I was disappointed. A severe drinking problem came with the result of that success. Not a bad album, just not up to previous ones. Supporting cast is certainly noteworthy with Jackson Browne, Linda Ronstadt, JD Souther, Don Henley, and Glenn Frey all contributing on various tracks. The usual California reliables. Only thing missing is the Fleetwood gang? Just doesn't seem to be much substance in the lyrics as with previous releases. Couldn't have been washed out yet as he had plenty of gas left. Warren passed away in 2003 with cancer. A tribute to Lynyrd Skynyrd in Play It All Night Long after their dreadful plane crash. Co-writing credit with The Boss on Jeannie Needs A Shooter. No standouts for me, with Gorilla You're A Desperado getting the favorite nod and Bill Lee the worst. The album reached #20 on the charts with A Certain Girl being the single that failed to even crack the top 40.


Worst Track - Bill Lee

Best Track - Gorilla You're A Desperado

Big gorilla at the L.A. Zoo
Snatched the glasses right off my face
Took the keys to my BMW
Left me here to take his place

I wish the ape a lot of success
I'm sorry my apartment's a mess
Most of all I'm sorry if I made you blue
I'm betting the gorilla will, too

They say Jesus will find you wherever you go
But when He'll come looking for you, they don't know
In the mean time, keep your profile low
Gorilla, you're a desperado

He built a house on an acre of land
He called it Villa Gorilla Now
I hear he's getting divorced
Laying low at L'Ermitage, of course

Then the ape grew very depressed
Went through Transactional Analysis
He plays racquetball and runs in the rain
Still he's shackled to a platinum chain

Big gorilla at the L.A. Zoo
Snatched the glasses right off my face
Took the keys to my BMW
Left me here to take his place

1) Bad Luck Streak In Dancing School *
audio -
2) A Certain Girl **
live -
3) Jungle Work **
live -
4) Empty Handed Heart **
audio -
5) Play It All Night Long **
live -
6) Jeannie Needs A Shooter **
live -
7) Bill Lee *
audio -
8) Gorilla, You're A Desperado **
live -
9) Bed Of Coals **
audio -
10) Wild Age **
audio -

3's - 0
2's - 8
1's - 2

Grade - 1.8

[Image: 220px-Gry-MM.jpg]

GRYPHON - Midnight Mushrumps

Love this style of music. Thanks, Gryph !
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
[Image: 51bbf01EaWL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

Have to admit to not having heard much solo Cale.

This one was released in 1973, and is regarded as perhaps his most accessible recording. Backing comes from the odd coupling of Lowell George & Richie Hayward from Little Feat on Guitar and Drums respectively, and Wilton Felder from The Crusaders on Bass.

The title refers to the Treaty of Versailles, which carved up the spoils following WW1. Many would argue that the outcome gave rise to the Third Reich. There's nothing specific in the material about that, but Europe seems to be a recurrent theme, along with some references to literature.

Fabulous songs full of earworms...

AllMusic 4+/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

love this album

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 220px-Harry_Nilsson_Sandman.jpg]

That would be Harry Nilsson of course. Some of his albums were just listed as Nilsson so I'll go with it. After a string of nice ones, can't say the same for this twefth release. Although it does pass, it's a squeaker. Certainly nothing close to the classic Without You. No help from Lennon this time. Nothing I love and several I would not wish to hear again. Topping that would be the ridiculous near seven minutes of The Flying Saucer Song. Not really a song, but a dialogue between a couple of drunks sitting in a bar bullshittin'. Fav has to go to Jesus Christ You're Tall. Not sure why, it's stupid too. Leon Russell is on keyboards for this and in the liner notes he gives a shout out to Ringo and Joe Cocker although not mentioning any tracks they appear on. Wondering if they are not in that Saucer thing as one of the drunks and the bartender. The album could only manage #111 on the charts with no singles.


Worst Track - The Flying Saucer Song

Best Track - Jesus Christ You're Tall

Jesus I said Jesus I said Jesus Christ you're tall
I bet nobody I bet nobody I bet nobody wanted to dance with you at all
I said Jesus, I said Jesus there hardly ain't no room here for you at all
I said Jesus. I said Jesus I said Jesus Christ you're tall
Well we could dribble our way down a courtship
Get married for a little while
I would shoot a little love inside your basket mama and in a little while we'd have a child
He'd be a little boy, he'd be a little boy
But he'll get taller as the time goes by
He'd be a little boy, he'd be a little boy
But pretty soon he'll hear the other boys cry
Because they're saying to him
Jesus they'd say Jesus they'd say Jesus Christ you're tall
I bet some day at least some day I hope he finds a basketball
So maybe a big scout from a big town team will come and sign him to the meadow larks
And then someday. Someday he'll play as good as van dyke parks
He'll be famous he'll get married, he'll be happy,
He'll be happy with the girl next door
They'll have a little boy, they'll have a little boy but at birth he'll measure six foot four
Each generation as the time goes by
Will grow and grow until they reach the sky
And finally someday I said someday they'll bump into God
And he'll say "hi"
And then he'll say Jesus, Jesus look at 'em, Jesus Christ they're tall Jesus. Just look at 'em. Jesus
Hey' you guys want to play a little basketball
There will be a big court up in heaven
Softer than the softest cloud
They can play all day, they can play all night they can play as long as they can play
It'll be a half court game until the other boys show it'll be a full court game and then, when it's over we'll hear a high score. It'll be over, then the end amen hey' Jesus, oh Jesus. Sweet Jesus Christ you're tall no nobody. No no nobody
You guys wanna play a little basketball
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon Jesus
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon Lord
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon do a hook shot baby
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon shoot that ball
C'mon Jesus let's get together I loved you a long time ago
Way up in heaven, up in heaven, that's the hell of it baby all night long

1) I'll Take A Tango **
audio -
2) Something True **
audio -
3) Pretty Soon There'll Be Nothing Left For Everybody **
audio -
4) The Ivy Covered Walls **
audio -
5) Here's Why I Did Not Go To Work Today **
audio -
6) The Flying Saucer Song *
audio -
7) How To Write A Song *
8) Jesus Christ You're Tall **
audio -
9) Will She Miss Me *
audio -

3's - 0
2's - 6
1's - 3

Grade - 1.7

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=781]

I have been looking to find a copy of this at an affordable price for quite a long time!

The main thing I was after was the first track:[video=youtube;ou6glj_JNgE][/video]

I first heard this excellent gem many years ago and am now reunited with it. IN addition it has some excellent Roger Dean artwork!!!!!!!!!

The rest of the album is excellent and quite different from Steve's work with YesCool
Nice to be able to go back to trust and friendship!!!!!!!!!

It's a mixed up sensation this being alive
Oh! it wears a man down into the ground
It's the strangest elation
I can't describe it
Oh it leaves a man weary
It makes a man frown.
.............................Chris Simpson ( "Mixed Up Sensations" 1975 Martin's Cafe )
^ Interesting track. He has such a distinctive style of playing.

I remember a journalist once saying of SH "He never makes do with one note, when a dozen can do the same job" (or something like that).
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

[Image: 61tsHsuLuCL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

Chosen by Mrs Tiggi.

I'm not much of a Winwood fan, and have always struggled a bit with this album. Fairly gentle Proggy music with some daft Hippy lyrics. A good late night album.

It's actually growing on me...

AllMusic 3/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

Finally Traffic is mentioned ! Again Mrs. Tiggi has good taste !

What do you all think of the "John Barleycorn Must Die" Album !!!!!?????
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!

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