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What Are You Listening To?
This morning is dedicated to listening to Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here - LOUD! Man oh man when is someone going to come up with something to match this. Ultimate space rock.
Shine on my man

Thank you sire - in my element!
Music Head Wrote:from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 220px-Separate_Ways.jpg]

Not really many Elvis albums in my collection. That's not to say I'm not a fan. Just born a few years too late, as my fascination with music began around the British invasion. Elvis was already for them old people. Came to appreciate him much more after the brits tapped out. That would be quite a few years. This album is a budget compilation which includes only one hit for the king, Always On My Mind which was backed by the title track. This was one of those double sided singles where both tracks received considerable airplay. That single reached #16 on the country charts and took the album to #12 country and #46 pop. Other than those two tracks, the rest of the album are re-issues with the oldest being Red Foleys Old Shep from 1956. Barely made it through that one. No way I'm puttin' down my own dog. I'd just as soon watch the Kardashians before I'd do that. Favorite is an old Ames Brothers track that Elvis tackles equally well.


Worst Track - Is It So Strange

Best Track - Sentimental Me

Sentimental me
Guess I’ll always will be
So in love with you
Say you love me too
Sentimental me

Dreaming while I live
Living just to give
All my love to you
No one else will do
Sentimental me

Reaching for the moon
Wishing on the stars
On my honeymoon
I want to be where you are

Darling can't you see
It was meant to be
I'm in love with you
Say you love me too
Sentimental me

Darling can't you see
It was meant to be
I'm in love with you
No-one else will do

1) Separate Ways ***
video -
2) Sentimental Me ***
audio -
3) In My Way **
video -
4) I Met Her Today **
audio -
5) What Now, What Next, Where To ***
audio -
6) Always On My Mind ***
audio -
7) I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell **
audio -
8) Is It So Strange **
audio -
9) Forget Me Never **
audio -
10) Old Shep ***
audio -

3's - 5
2's - 5
1's - 0

Grade - 2.5

wow! thats a high mark for that album MH!, not sure even i would have gone that high....but im pleased to see Seperate Ways & Always On My Mind got "***", although a bit surprised Sentimental Me is your favourite....whatever, i'll take that score anyday.
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 220px-Harry_Nilsson_Knnillssonn.jpg]

Harrys last album to hit the charts, even if only at #108. Considerably better than that Sandman thing. Harrys voice was never greater and love the string section on most of this. Three great tracks on here, the beautiful leadoff track, and also Laughin' Man and the funny Who Done It? Nilsson could be a funny guy. Those strings are probably what makes Laughin' Man my favorite. No bad songs on here and I'm surprised there were no charting singles. No, nothing equals the fabulous Without You but as an overall album, it may be better, and just misses the love mark.


Worst Track - Old Bones

Best Track - Laughin' Man

1) All I Think About Is You ***
audio -
2) I Never Though I'd Get This Lonely **
audio -
3) Who Done It? ***
audio -
4) Lean On Me **
audio -
5) Goin' Down **
audio -
6) Old Bones **
audio -
7) Sweet Surrender **
audio -
8) Blanket For A Sail **
audio -
9) Laughin' Man ***
audio -
10) Perfect Day **
audio -

3's - 3
2's - 7
1's - 0

Grade - 2.3

[Image: 51ISfmWfuML._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

On the laptop.

Recommendation from Jerome.

1978 live album.

This is very Genesis to my ears (except in the vocal department). I like Genesis a lot, until near the end of their career, so this should have gone down well.

However, I'm not sure this is an album I'd buy. Don't know why, and maybe it needs further listens, but for the moment this doesn't make the Buy List. There's fine musicianship on display, but perhaps the songwriting doesn't quite do it for me...

AllMusic 2/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

[Image: 517aI0%2Bl6rL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

On the laptop.

Her most recent from earlier this year.

I calculate that Stevie's 63 years old now. That makes her something of an elder stateswoman, yet her voice still sounds good to me.

This is musically very similar to the mega-platinum Fleetwood Mac era, which is no bad thing in my book. I've always thought she was a strong song-writer, and to these ears the songs here are amongst her very best solo work.

Very good.

AllMusic 4/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

[Image: One_More_Road_Pentangle.jpg]

Bert Jansch is such a wonderful guitarist !!!!!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
[Image: 51Qc7WAJmML._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

i-Pod listening in the garden this PM.

Neo-Classical Prog Rock with a heavy medieval bent.

At various times this has echoes of early Jethro Tull, classic-period Yes, and it comes from a similar place to The Enid, and an even more similar place to Enid offshoot Secret Green.

Quite unique, and highly enjoyable.

AllMusic 4/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

[Image: 618S2DPDuKL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

ROCKPILE "seconds of pleasure" 1980....from the Music Head library!

again first time hearing this one, although i know Nick Lowe's solo material quite well, and only a couple of Dave Edmunds tracks.
the final Rockpile album...but the sound is unmistakabe and true to their format. for those unfamiliar with these guys...think early Elvis(no not that one-the Costello one!)
three covers on here:
Gene Chandlers "teacher teacher", Joe Tex's "if sugar was as sweet as you" and Chuck Berry's "oh,what a thrill"....only one track on here that MH and I dont like and that is "wrong again", and we prety much agree on the rating of the others, all up MH rates this one 2.1 and i rate it a solid 1.9 on a first impression.

MUSIC HEAD and I both like this album:


1. teacher teacher live
2. if sugar is as sweet as you audio
3. heart live
4. now and always
5. a knife and a fork live
6. play that fast thing audio
7. wrong again video
8. oh,what a thrill
9. when i write the book audio
10.fool too long aint nothing but fine
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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