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'77 Live-Les Rallizes Denudes

Picked it up yesterday. Noise rock with emphasis on the noise part.
mtthwibrahim Wrote:Mr Bungle's Self Titled

I've been meaning to listen to this forever. Very interesting. Mike Patton is great
Mike Patton is an amazing vocalist!
[quote=CRAZY-HORSE][Image: 510FSvkWTEL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

PATTI SMITH "horses" 1975.....from the Music Head library.

another of the MH albums i listened to whilst in his company, again i mostly picked albums that i hadnt heard, i mean whats the point of having over 3000 albums to choose from only to hear the same music i can listen to at home???

i had previously read how great Patti is/was, and this album always seems to crop up in those "best albums ever" lists etc....and she is highly regarded as pre-punk poet and occasionally draws comparrisons with the great Bob Dylan. unfortunately hyped up artists rarely live up to my expectations but this album is an exception, it is very good and rated a solid 2.0 on a first listen to my ears....and again, its on my purchase list(damn you MH!,you're cost me not only a vacation but also a list of material to purchase!!!). i guess my favourite track here was the first song "gloria" which contains bits of Van The Man's Gloria....guess if it was recorded nowadays it would be called sampling! the worst track for me here was the final track "elegie" which came in at a borderline like/dislike, Music Head rated this album a 2.6 with tracks 1,3,5,6,7 recieving the full *** and the remainder tracks recieving **.

This is great, now I want to listen to it. I don't think I own it anymore, may have to download it.
[Image: 61m5%2BVAZrrL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

NIRVANA "unplugged in NYC", cd...from the MH son-in-law cd collection

when in Florida staying with MH's daughter and Major Tim of USAF i played this one as MH had never heard it.
Music Head liked it giving it 2.0 on a first listen but as he said at the time, its hard to like something more than the versions he already knew(but at least he did like their version of Bowie's "man who sold the world"). i on the otherhand knew these unplugged versions prior to their studio albums...and i would feel the same when rating their studio albums, thus this one gets an almost perfect score from me in 2.8.
this album/concert appearance was recorded just days before Cobain committed suicide, sure it spawned one of the best rock groups in the world since then(Foo Fighters) but it was also the end and a waste of a great talent in Kurt Cobain....guess we'll never know just how great he could have been!
from the album, i add links to my favourite song "the man who sold the world" and Music Head's favourite "where did you sleep"

the man who sold the world live

where did you sleep live
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 512Nh7%2BVR7L._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

MORPHINE "yes" 1995....from the Music Head cd collection

not sure if me or MH picked this one, but i got a feeling that he did.....

as much as i feel i know about music i am well and truly in the MH shadow of knowledge with music in general!
this was the Morph's third album release and it is quite pleasant, both MH and I rated it 1.8.
it is not your average 'alternative' genred album in that it only features drums,bass and saxaphones and has quite a pop feel to it.
not sure this would make my 'buy' list(as we both have several tracks on here that we dont like) but it is interesting that such a full sound can come from those three instruments, nevertheless here are links to both our favourite tracks on this one.

honeywhite live

radar live
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 51NGoSma6sL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

On the laptop.

Joe's 1979 debut album.

Although I only have a couple of JJ albums, I've long admired his song-writing - he's classically trained in composition if memory serves - hence taking this opportunity to listen to some more of his music.

One of the late-'70s New Wavers, Joe had a brief dalliance with fame, but sank from view fairly quickly, although he's still active & is still releasing new work.

The obvious comparison would be with Elvis Costello for me with this album. Solid effort which finds its' way easily onto the Buy List.

AllMusic 5/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

[Image: 41j5ZCAGsTL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

NEW YORK DOLLS "night of the living dolls" 1985...from the Music Head vinyl library

my only exposure to these guys other than seeing them at the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame is the few little titbits on tv rockumentaries, their music seemed alright and at least it does fall into what i would term "real punk" so on it went.....
this one, thankfully, is a compilation of their only real two studio albums from the 1970s and not some half-arsed attempt at a 1980's comeback...the music is full of raw energy and passion and the vocals are quite angst ridden...almost to the same standard of the Sex Pistols!!, it did however rate 2.3 for me which borders the "love" rating...hey, i cant help it if i have a thing for real punk!, MH however seemed to err on the side of caution IMO by giving it 1.9 but he still liked it.
one track on here called "babylon" i loved and MH didnt like it...when i told him my rating for the track he gave me that "you've got to be joking" look??? LOL...thats cool,its all opinion anyway!
but again...their first two albums are now on my "buy" list
from the album the links are for the two tracks we rated as favourites:

personality crisis live

puss 'n' boots live
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Tiggi Wrote:[Image: 51NGoSma6sL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

On the laptop.

Joe's 1979 debut album.

Although I only have a couple of JJ albums, I've long admired his song-writing - he's classically trained in composition if memory serves - hence taking this opportunity to listen to some more of his music.

One of the late-'70s New Wavers, Joe had a brief dalliance with fame, but sank from view fairly quickly, although he's still active & is still releasing new work.

The obvious comparison would be with Elvis Costello for me with this album. Solid effort which finds its' way easily onto the Buy List.

AllMusic 5/5 stars.
Yes had this album going on Saturday Smile Love it!
[Image: 510vu2FVFgL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

On the laptop.

Their last album, from 2010.

As ever, I'm late to the party with this band.

Retro, Blues-drenched R&R, harking back to the late '60s/early '70s, with a contemporary twist.

There's plenty to like about this album, and I couldn't get the sound of vintage Led Zeppelin out of my head.

Good stuff, onto the Buy List.

AllMusic 4+/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

[Image: 41nIF-Eo2SL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

On the laptop.

Another important band that have passed me by, until now.

Their fourth album, and major label debut, from 1985.

Occasionally Punky, Garagey Alt-Rock band with a rough, feral delivery that sounds great.

Relatively few albums convince me that I've found something worthy within one or two tracks, but this is one of them. Sharply written songs played with a raw intensity that's difficult to resist.

Great album, straight onto the Buy List.

AllMusic 5/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"


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