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Asia - Their debut album - and the only one i like.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
If you enjoyed Asia by Asia then you should track down UK by UK and Danger Money by UK .........they have a similar feel.Cool
Nice to be able to go back to trust and friendship!!!!!!!!!

It's a mixed up sensation this being alive
Oh! it wears a man down into the ground
It's the strangest elation
I can't describe it
Oh it leaves a man weary
It makes a man frown.
.............................Chris Simpson ( "Mixed Up Sensations" 1975 Martin's Cafe )
from my library (cd)

[Image: 220px-72_schools_out.jpg]

Another AC favorite. All of them early ones were. This is the groups fifth with probably his most well known song with the title track. Four other great ones for me also, warranting a cd purchase to go with my vinyl. Street Fight the only throw away. Not really a song at 53 seconds, but it's listed as one. Yes the vinyl is better due to the jacket opening as an old style school desk and the inclusion of the girls panties around the album. Original issue was recalled because the panties were not flame-retardant, lol. Just makes you wanna slap somebody don't it? The album reached #2 in the U.S. with the title track at #7 and #1 in the U.K. Although Schools Out was the only single from here and gave Alice his highest charting song, many others are equally classics.


Worst Track - Street Fight

Best Track - Public Animal #9

Hey hey hey yeah hey hey hey
Me and G.B. we ain't never gonna confess we cheated at the math test
We carved some dirty words in our desk well now it's time for recess
Old man waitin' by the monkey bars tradin' all his ball cards
And they promised him a gold star and they told him he could go far
Hey Mr. Bluelegs where are you takin' me
I'm like a lifer in the state penitentiary
If I keep my nose clean I won't get my eyes shined
But I'm proud to be public animal number nine
License plates are are runnin' out of my ears
I'd give a month of cigarettes for just a couple of lousy beers
Or even a bottle of real cheap wine
But that's the price you pay to be
Public animal number nine number nine oh
Hey Mrs. Cranston where are you takin' me
I feel like a lifer In the state penitentiary
She wanted an Einstein but she got a Frankenstein
Yeah I'm proud to be oh public animal number nine
Oh public animal number nine public animal number nine
Public animal number nine nine
Public animal number nine number nine number nine
Public animal public animal number nine nine
Public animal number nine public animal number nine

1) Schools Out ***
live -
2) Luney Tune ***
audio -
3) Gutter Cat vs. The Jets **
audio -
4) Street Fight *
audio -
5) Blue Turk ***
audio -
6) My Stars **
audio -
7) Public Animal #9 ***
audio -
8) Alma Mater ***
audio -
9) Grande Finale **
audio -

3's - 5
2's - 3
1's - 1

Grade - 2.4

so many albums, so little time

gryphon Wrote:If you enjoyed Asia by Asia then you should track down UK by UK and Danger Money by UK .........they have a similar feel.Cool
Thanks for the tip Gryphon - will check them out. Have heard of them but never actually heard their music. Something to explore.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
And yes here we go again - Pink Floyd - The Final Cut. When this first came out it was hammered by the music press, David Gilmour has been quoted as saying it should have been called 'The Final Straw'. I have to admit when I first heard this all those years back I thought - where's Pink Floyd? But over the years and beers I have come to really like this album. It is subtitled 'A requiem for the post-war dream' and if you really listen to this and get behind what Uncle Waters is saying, I think it's his most personal & private emotions laid bare. Even more so than The Wall. I think the minimalist orchestration on this album is pure genius. An empty sound to reflect an empty soul. The drums are machine gun attacks, alluding to the subtitle, and there is a lot of razor blade honesty on this album - even if it is unpopular from a commercial standpoint. Are there any outstanding musical 'solos' or parts on this - no. But sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. A journey into the mind of a tortured man. And he took this further many years later when 'Amused to Death' tried to describe the 'war as entertainment' ethos. A chilling album - and the reference to 'cattle trucks lying in wait for the next time' is a stark reminder that it might all happen again. And probably will.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
#1 Record-Big Star

I hate talking about this record. I don't know why, I just find it annoying to give reasons for loving an album which is just so blatantly good
SKEPTICISM - ALLOY (2008) Progressive Music

I was skeptical of this group so I bought this album three years ago and I'm glad I did.

Another baritoned singer and a female lead vocals on drums.

Many styles are explored on this one and it turns out as a gem !!!!

[Image: 220px-Skepticism_alloy.jpg]
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
a female barritone vocalist?...awesome SteveO LOL!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Cat Stevens - Catch Bull at Four
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
[Image: 51dQnoUjL-L._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

i-Pod listening in the garden this PM.

Released in 1994.

This is Petty back to his best IMO. His song-writing is virtually flawless, and the album comes across as a minor masterpiece of Classic Rock.

Crammed with wicked melodic hooks, this album is a joy.

AllMusic 4+/5 stars.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"


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