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its strange actually as i like the Mike & Mechanics album i have, also a lot of Gabriel and Collins solo material, yet the only Genesis album i like is "we cant dance"...explain that one if you can... because i cant!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 417qROA%2BfYL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

BLACK SABBATH "paranoid" cd, 1970

this is going to upset some people here but what the heck!

i cant see what the fuss is with these guys and in particular with this so-called "classic" album.
Ozzy is a crap vocalist, the lyrics for the most part are immature.
the only upside to Ozzy is that he shows the negatives of drug and alcohol abuse and its effects ont he human body really well on his reality show "the osbournes"
of the eight tracks on offer here i like two, "war pigs" and " iron man", i also love the title track "paranoid", other than that there are five wastes of space on offer.
thank the Lord that this one willnot show up in the rotation cycle for at least two and a half years!


rating: 1.5
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 51PLmVLbTgL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

THE ANGELS "their finest hour-and then some" cd,2008.

not really a best of set by these pub rockers from Australia, moreso an overview of their first four studio albums between 76-79...before they actually started to sell records and have hits.
guess, its really an intruduction to them for those who werent a part of the huge "pub rock" circuit in the 1970s here...
no matter what, these guys always played secong fiddle to AC/DC and Cold Chisel back in the day...not surprising IMO as there a seven tracks i simply do not like here.
not sure whether you'd really call them hard rock or not...sort of a grey area like Chisel and AC/DC...more heavy blues rock IMO, but like those other two groups that is what they call themselves.
sure, they made some very good sing-a-long rock n rol, but the best track for me here is the Dylanesque ballad "whitest lady"...never really thought much to this song, but it hit me the other day when playing this just how good it is...guess its stood up better than some of their other more well known tracks.
so eighteen tracks,

giving an oveall rating of 1.9.... the links included are for the ones that scored three stars and a couple of the ones that just missed out.

whitest lady
darn it! link for my favourite track!!!
am i ever gonna see your face again video
take a long line video
shadow boxer video
marseilles audio
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

In two and a half years you can listen to it again, Crazy ! I love the album and go back to all the Sabbath material once in awhile...maybe twice a year...I was only 17 when I heard those dark chords as the intro to the song Black Sabbath..they will always be with me...the birth of heavy metal..imo
CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:[Image: 417qROA%2BfYL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

BLACK SABBATH "paranoid" cd, 1970

this is going to upset some people here but what the heck!

i cant see what the fuss is with these guys and in particular with this so-called "classic" album.
Ozzy is a crap vocalist, the lyrics for the most part are immature.
the only upside to Ozzy is that he shows the negatives of drug and alcohol abuse and its effects ont he human body really well on his reality show "the osbournes"
of the eight tracks on offer here i like two, "war pigs" and " iron man", i also love the title track "paranoid", other than that there are five wastes of space on offer.
thank the Lord that this one willnot show up in the rotation cycle for at least two and a half years!


rating: 1.5
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
SteveO Wrote:In two and a half years you can listen to it again, Crazy ! I love the album and go back to all the Sabbath material once in awhile...maybe twice a year...I was only 17 when I heard those dark chords as the intro to the song Black Sabbath..they will always be with me...the birth of heavy metal..imo

yeh, just never liked these guys, but obviously tried as i have a best of set and this apparent 'classic', im sure that one day it will all fall into place and i will "get it"

guess there is a time and a place for everything,, and i wasnt in the right time or place when this was released!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 220px-Rush_Caress_of_Steel.jpg]

What the hell do you drink to make your voice sound like that? The death/doom metal growling I always thought came from downing a bottle of Drano before performing. With Geddy Lee, the only thing I can come up with is maybe a bottle of perfume. Always liked Rush, but just so hard to get by them vocals for me. Toned down it's ok, but screech level is just too much. That being said, they are one of my favorite metal bands. Go figure. This is the third album from the Canadian rockers. The Necromancer is the only track I love here. Maybe it's the reprieve from Geddy's voice with the spoken word interjection by someone. That track and the whole of side two, titled The Fountain Of Lamneth, are split into seperate tracks on my vinyl copy, although meant to be one song. Graded the former as one track, but the latter as seperate. Love the mythology type image Rush's work seems to drum up. Although this album was a disappointment in sales from the groups previous release, it did eventualy go gold in the US, but only managed a #148 on the charts.


Worst Track - Didacts And Narpets

Best Track - The Necromancer

I. Into The Darkness
"As gray traces of dawn tinge the eastern sky, the three travelers, men of Willowdale, emerge from the forest shadow. Fording the River Dawn, they turn south, journeying into the dark and forbidding lands of the Necromancer.
Even now the intensity of his dread power can be felt, weakening the body and saddening the heart.
Ultimately they will become empty, mindless spectres; stripped of will and soul, only their thirst for freedom gives them hunger for vengeance..."

Silence shrouds the forest
As the birds announce the dawn
Three travelers ford the river
And southward journey on
The road is lined with peril
The air is charged with fear
The shadow of his nearness
Weighs like iron tears

II. Under the Shadow
"Shreds of black cloud loom in overcast skies. The Necromancer keeps watch with his magic prism eyes. He views all his lands and is already aware of the three helpless invaders trapped in his lair..."

Brooding in the tower
Watching o'er his land
Holding ev'ry creature
Helplessly they stand
Gaze into his prisms
Knowing they are near
Lead them to the dungeons
Spectres numb with fear
They bow defeated

III. Return of the Prince
"Enter the Champion.
Prince By-Tor appears to battle for freedom from chains of long years.
The spell has been broken; the Dark Lands are bright. The Wraith of the Necromancer soars away in the night."

Stealthily attacking
By-Tor slays his foe
The men are free to run now
From labyrinths below
The Wraith of the Necromancer
Shadows through the sky
Another land to darken
With evil prism eye.

1) Bastille Day **
live - Rush Bastille Day live 1976 - YouTube
2) I Think I'm Going Bald *
audio -
3) Lakeside Park **
live - Rush - Lakeside Park - Live 1976 - YouTube
4) The Necromancer ***
audio - Rush-The Necromancer (lyrics) 1975 - YouTube
5) Fountain Of Lamneth
audio -
....In The Valley **
....Didacts And Naperts *
....No One At The Bridge **
audio -
....Panacea **
audio -
....Bacchus Plateau **
audio -
....The Fountain **

3's - 1
2's - 7
1's - 2

Grade - 1.9

so many albums, so little time

[Image: 413CTDHD2TL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

KISS "revenge" cd,1992.

16th studio album from KISS, and their closest effort at being 'hard rock',hats why its here and not in the rock threads.
also the last album they made prior to putting back on the makeup.
thier biggest seller outside the US, selling some 4 million copies worldwide....and justified IMO.
Paul always writes and sings good rock songs...always has,always will...but this time Gene has written the strongest tracks he ever did...including "domino","thou shalt not" and "unholy", all of which get full marks here from me.
album also includes the anthemic rock number "god gave rock n roll to you II", staple of their live shows over the last twenty years.
drummer Eric Carr died from heart complications on the operating table just prior to this and Eric Singer takes on "the sticks" job here and has remained doing so ever since.
final track on here is called "carr jam 1981"...its an old Carr drum solo thing that Gene and Paul discovered during their research for their "kisstory" archives series and recorded in 1981, and put on here as a final tribute to Eric Carr, and thats the only value of it IMO, i guess drummers would appreciate it, but hearing a load of drumming means nothing to the average guy in the street.
the rating for this one didnt come out as high as i expected, but a good album nevertheless,and the first real KISS album i really liked after 1982's "the elder".


worst track: carr jam 1981
best track: Domino or Unholy


1. unholy*** video
2. take it off**
KISS - Take It Off [ The Palace, Detroit 11/27/92 ] "XXX" - YouTube live
3. tough love** audio
4. spit** audio
5. god gave rock n roll to you II*** video
6. domino*** audio
7. heart of chrome**
8. thou shalt not*** audio
9. everytime i look at you**
KISS - Every Time I Look At You - Legendado PT-BR - Mtv Unplugged - YouTube audio
11.i just wanna*** audio
12.carr jam1981*


rating: 2.1
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Dopethrone-Electric Wizard

Keeper of the Seven Keys pt 2-Helloween

From experience, I've determined my taste in metal lean more to the extreme side. You know, like Immortal or Electric Wizard, stuff like that. This is definitely in the more accessible side of the genre, but since it is a ton of fun, I guess I don't mind. Lots of catchy riffs, and just agreat album to nerd out to with your wizard cape
[Image: 41J9ARh-Q9L._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

MARILYN MANSON "the golden age of grotesque" cd,2003.

the sixth studio album by shock-rockers MM....and although apparently passed his best period this one stacks up as a great album IMO.
still some explicitly provocative lyrical content here, but overall nothing too shocking for me..!
genuine long term fans do not rate this album highly, but as a casual listener to MM this is a very good, tuneful Metal album(well, as tuneful as metal can be i guess).
still, contains some fine sing-a-long chorus lines, and some of that heavy glam rock sound from his earlier albums, think he released a best of set and a couple more studio albums after this one, but none charted real well anywhere,including this one...guess his fanbase had moved on to the next shock artist, but they missed out on this fine album!
one noteable addition on this album is a very MM re-working of Soft Cell's early eighties mega-hit "tainted love", maybe not good compared to their hit, but as a song on its own merits, not bad at all!.
allmusic rates this one 4/5 which equates to 2.4 here, and that is the exact same score i give it also.


links from the album that get "love" ratings from me!:

doll dagga buzz-buzz ziggerty zag audio
ka-boom,ka-boom audio
mOBSCENE vevo video
(s)aint audio
this is the new shit video
vodevil audio


rating: 2.4
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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