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[Image: 61E-tasCArL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

LED ZEPPLIN "four symbols" aka "IV" cd,1971.

not sure, but some of you guys may be surprised with my rating here for this one....
not much to say really, other than this is an allround classic album...from the solid simplistic rock sounds of Rock & Roll,through Black Dog to the folky tune of Ballad Of Evermore and on to the perenial radio classic Stairway To Heaven....
a near perfect rock record IMO and certainly in the top dozen or so albums in my collection!


worst track: misty mountain top
best track: going to california


1. black dog ***
2. rock & roll ***
3. the battle of evermore ***
4. stairway to heaven ***
5. misty mountain top **
6. four sticks ***
7. going to california ***
8. when the levee breaks ***


rating: 2.9
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 8.gif]

Reply the emoticon!!!!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Music Head Wrote:from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 220px-Yes_-_Union.jpg]

I could have loved this group if not for those shrilly vocals again. Same as Neal Peart of Rush. Get them two guys
in a small room together, let 'em have at it, and you'd have some serious glass damage. Some good music here on
this thirteenth studio album. Title is due to the presence of eight former Yes alumni (Squire, Rabin, White, Kaye,
Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe). Not sure if all are on all tracks or some on each, no liner notes. Jon is always
there though. Unlike previous Yes albums, the material here has no theme as tracks were written by different
members at different times. Getting them all together must have been a chore as they were all doing other projects.
The union never happened again. Other than a couple of short instrumental pieces there was nothing I didn't like
here, and a couple of love tracks. I was pleasantly surprised not having heard it in years. They did tour to
support the album, but sales did not live up to expectations. That's what it says, but a #15 on the chart seems
respectable to me. Very Nice live cip for both of my love tracks. Damn! Steve Howe looks rough, and that was 20
years ago.


Worst Track - Evensong

Best Track - Lift Me Up

Look around - Got no place to stay.
God I hate this town, depending on the day.
You lift me up, you lift me down - Alright, OK.

While I got no life, I got no hope;
I'm falling in love.
Help me through the fight;
Help me with tonight - I'm calling.

What to do I find it hard to know;
Lord, the walk is not the one I chose...

Lift me up and turn me over;
Lead me on into the dawn.
Take me to the highest mountain;
Tie me up, love in a storm.
Have you decided on my fortune?
Facing the future in your eyes,
With your imperial behaviour
We fight amidst the battle cries.

Open doors - They may be closed to me;
The fire's still burning in my heart...

What to do I find it hard to know;
I want to turn my life around...

1) I Would Have Waited Forever **
audio - I Would Have Waited Forever by Yes - YouTube
2) Shock To The System ***
live - 03 Shock To The System - YouTube
3) Masquerade *
audio -
4) Lift Me Up ***
live - Yes: Lift Me Up (Live '91) HQ - YouTube
5) Without Hope You Cannot Start The Day **
audio -
6) Saving My Heart **
live - Saving My Heart - YouTube
7) Miracle Of Life **
audio -
8) Silent Talking **
audio -
9) The More We Live-Let Go **
audio -
10) Angkor Wat **
audio -
11) Dangerous (Look In The Light Of What You're Searching For) **
audio -
12) Holding On **
audio -
13) Evensong *
audio -
14) Take The Water To The Mountain **
audio -

3's - 2
2's - 10
1's - 2

Grade - 2.0

so many albums, so little time

Never heard the Union album. Will give it a whirl one day. Just bought their 'Fly From Here' release and I have to say the more I hear it the more I like it. Going to become a favourite of theirs. The progressive element is still there but with less flashy stuff.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
[Image: 51GuEuHFddL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

WARREN ZEVON "the envoy" cd,1982.

another gem of an album(4th studio album) from Mr.Werewolf!
this guy deserves far more credit than he gets...he is a great lyricist,very good vocalist and master of satire!
there are song on here about life,love, tracks 2,3,5,8,9
Drug dealers(charlie's medicine), where he states drug dealer "had to get his prescription filled,had to take his medicine" as he was murdered for being a dealer!,
Elvis(jesus mentioned)...complete with the chilling line "he walked across the water with his pills",
Politics(the envoy), which details political interferance in the middle east/south america by US Envoys....and nothing has changed in the thirty years since he wrote this one...will they/we ever learn!
all up another very good album by Zevon!


worst track: the overdraft
best track: the envoy


1. the envoy ***
Warren Zevon - The Envoy - Live in Passaic NJ, 1982 (HD) - YouTube live
2. the overdraft **
3. the hula hula boys **
4. jesus mentioned **
Warren Zevon - Jesus Mentioned - YouTube audio
5. let nothing come between you ***
Warren Zevon - Let Nothing Come Between You - Boston MA, 1982. - YouTube live audio
6. aint that pretty at all **
Warren Zevon-14-Aint That Pretty At All - YouTube live
7. charlie's medicine ***
Charlie's Medicine - Warren Zevon - YouTube audio
8. looking for the next best thing **
9. never too late for love **


rating: 2.3

They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 61n4Io8JWHL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

THE ROLLING STONES "beggars banquet" cd,1968.

i cant get no satisfaction from these guys no matter how hard i try....
i have probably 30 of their singles on 7" vinyl, approx eight or nine studio albums and a couple of best of sets on vinyl and cd but i feel as though i am walking the dog everytime i hear the like picking up a piece of old dog crap!
just cant get into them at all, i admit, i love numerous songs, Angie would almost certainly be in my top 20 favourite singles of all time, and the opening track from this album, Sympathy For The Devil would have to be in my favourite list of album tracks of all time along with Wild Horses, but as an album band these guys just dont cut it for me.
this is their album from compare it to The Beatles "white album"...even the few dud tracks on that double album are as good as the good ones on here!

overall, this album is made up of songs with no melody,tune or impassioned vocals and guitar work...its pretty dull, lifeless and boring IMO,like most of the Stones output for the last six decades, just exactly how they became so big is a mystery to me as the talent for writing 'great' songs was few and far between, unlike UK counterparts Small Faces,Who,Kinks,Manfred Mann and obviously The Beatles.

below is a brief description of what i think of the individual tracks on this album....

I LIKE THIS ALBUM(but only just!)

worst track: street fighting man
best track: sympathy for the devil


1. sympathy for the devil ***
one of rock music's greatest ever tracks IMO
Rolling Stones - Sympathy for The Devil ( Live 1969 Altamont - YouTube live
2. no expectations **
only the Brian Jones slide guitar work gives this a passing grade IMO
3. dear doctor *
a crappy psuedo-novelty track and album filler!
4. parachute man **
not great but better than most on here IMO
5. jigsaw puzzle *
no tune/melody, no substance in the lyrics neither...absolutely no nothing here at all!
6. street fighting man *
possibly the Stones worst single up until 1984's Undercover Of The Night
7. prodigal son **
reasonable effort in their attempt to cover an old Gospel song
8. stray cat blues *
another album filler IMO,even the guitar solo at the end cant save this one!
9. factory girl **
sort of blues cum folk track,very good effort,works for me.
10.salt of the earth **
half decent "peace" song...their attempt at trying to outdo "all you need is love" IMO


rating: 1.7
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Music Head Wrote:[Image: 8.gif]

looks like the "wow!" is breastfeeding LMAO!!!!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[Image: 61O9HrSxa9L._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

OCEAN COLOUR SCENE "moseley shoals" cd,1996.

debut set from these lads from Birmingham,UK.
part of the Brit-Pop explosion and sounding more 'classic rock' than most of their contemporaries and sounding a lot like a cross between Fairport Convention and Paul Weller.
i saw the video for "the day we caught the train" on a late night music show back in the day and fell in love with the sound,thus i got the album...had no idea at the time that Paul Weller played guitar,organ/keyboard on this one and supplied backing vocals on a couple of tracks...but there was obviously something familliar in their sound that pricked up my ears in a decade that sucked for music. plebty of electric guitars, backwards guitars,percussion work...and a solid 1960s UK rock beat!
these guys are still making records but none i have heard come anywhere near this one and UK chart positions obviously concur with my thoughts, nowadays though, their time is split between doing their own material and working as part of Paul Weller's studio/live dont have to like PW to like these guys but there are simillarities between the two!
album reached #2 in the UK, and spawned three top ten hits in tracks 2,3,11, with another track(#1) reaching the top 20...
this album along with early Oasis and Blur were the reasons that my faith in music was restored after several years in the wilderness!


worst track: get away
best track: one for the road


1. the riverboat song *** audio
2. the day we caught the train ***
Ocean Colour Scene - The Day We Caught The Train - YouTube live
3. the circle ** audio
4. lining your pockets **
Ocean Colour Scene ft. Paul Weller - Lining Your Pockets - LIVE - YouTube live
5. fleeting mind *
6. 40 past midnight **
Ocean colour scene live on Jools Holland with Paul Weller (part 2) - YouTube live
7. one for the road *** audio
8. its my shadow *** audio
9. policemen and pirates *** audio
10.the downstream *'ve got it bad *** audio
12.get away *


rating: 2.3
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Going way back into the past. 'Demons & Wizards' Uriah Heep. Forgotten just how brilliant this album is. Was quite amazed at the quality of the album. It has not dated at all. Still sounds fresh to me. Quality is superb and excellent mixing and mastering. Nice to rediscover a classic. Takes me back to my youth (weep, weep)
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND - The Roaring Silence (1976)

[Image: 220px-The_Roaring_Silence.jpg]

I bought this record because of the track "Blinded by the Light" which was written by Bruce Springsteen. However this album has enough good music on it besides this track !

Good straight ahead British rock!

All Music ...4/5
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!

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