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[Image: 61uSDR71UYL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

KISS "rock and roll over" cd,1976.

KISS released Destroyer in 1976, the returned to the studio to make a more simplistic album the same year....
Rock And Roll Over is a basic 3 chord rock album...nothing fancy or outrageous, just some straight foreward rock songs, well, not rock, more "rock-pop"(wow!, just invented a new genre, didnt realise how easy it is to do that!...he says with tongue planted firmly in cheek!).
a pretty good album from a predominantly "singles" band,one track i dont like (take me), one i absolutely love(hard luck woman) and eight others that are reasonable efforts...even Gene Simmons ones make the grade here...
Hard Luck Woman was originally written by Paul Stanley for Rod Stewart, but Rod had just completed his sessions for his album of the same year, and Paul wanted this one out, so drummer Peter Criss gets the nod here, and a fine job he does at it.
look, the main problem i have always had with KISS is that its hard to take them too seriously as they make some almost comical tracks at times(purely unintentionally) but they do detract from the whole rock element of what they are supposed to stand for...and those stupid comic book album covers dont really do it for me neither...either way, this is a fine KISS album, but nowhere near as good as its predeccessor "destroyer", not 1991's "revenge" IMO..


worst track: take me
best track: hard luck woman


1. i want you **
KISS Rock The Nation Live! I Want You - YouTube live
2. take me *
3. calling **
Kiss - Calling Dr. Love - Live Largo, MD 1979 Dynasty Tour (UNCUT VERSION) - YouTube live
4. ladies room **
5. baby driver **
6. love 'em and leave 'em ** audio
7. mr.speed **
8. see you in your dreams **
9. hard luck woman *** audio
10.makin' love **


rating: 2.0
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

love Hard Luck Woman
up there with Beth

[Image: 51XPD%2B-a6BL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

MOTORHEAD "deaf forever-the best of motorhead",cd,1998.

doncha just hate it when you pick out an album that you just cant stand?...well this is one of them for me!
twenty tracks...

rating: 1.4

think that pretty well explains it....
not sure why i even bought this one, guess it must be the two tracks i love..."ace of spades" & "please dont touch", and guessing it was discounted severely for me to even consider spending money on it!
i just dont like screamy/shouty vocals that feel like they want to kill you...and for what?...buying their records?, these guys should be happy,they have enough money to be happily set up for life, but instead insist on scaring the living daylights out of the listener...
dont like artists that no matter what song you hear, it sounds like the ten previous ones you just heard.
that said....
i think vocalist Lemmy is a cool dude when he is interviewed,also appears somewhat intelligent at times,and has a sense of humour...but as far as his music goes, Lemmy is a Lemon!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (cd)

[Image: 220px-Creed_My_Own_Prison.jpg]

Must have been in my grunge period here. And it still holds up quite well. Debut album from this Florida band.
Quite an impact for a debut with album spawing four hit singles and going 6X platinum, hitting #22 on the Billboard
chart. The follow up would perform even better. Singles from here hit various charts, with One doing the best
overall. Best for me is What's This Life For. Other tracks I love are Torn and the title track. Nothing I don't
like which is surprising for me from an album this heavy. About as hard core as I get nowadays. Noticed a lot of
spiritual overtones on this album. Lead singer Scott Stapp's daddy was a preacher man so some of it must have sunk
in. The band split for a spell in 2004 after only three albums, then got back together in 2008 for a fourth, but
the magic had dwindled by then, with the public having moved on. Some conservative views and the religious feel
probably explains why they were never well received by the rock critics, but what do they know? No different than
you or me. Just another opinion.


Worst Track - Sister

Best Track - What's Ths Life For

Hurray for a child
That makes it through
If there's any way
Because the answer lies in you

They're laid to rest
Before they've known just what to do
Their souls are lost
Because they
could never find

What's this life for
What's this life for
What's this life for
what's this life for

I see your soul, its kinda grey
You see my heart, you look away
You see my wrist, I know your pain
I know your purpose on your plane

Don't say a last prayer
Because you could never find

What's this life for
What's this life for
What's this life for
What's this life for

But they ain't here anymore
Don't have to settle the score
Cause we all live
Under the reign of one king

But they ain't here anymore
Don't have to settle no god damn score
cause we all live under the
Reign I said you know of a one king

One king
One king

But they ain't here anymore
Don't have to settle no god damn score
cause we all live
under the reign
I said you know of a one king

One king
One king

But they ain't here anymore
Don't have to settle no god damn score
cause we all live under the reign of of one king

1) Torn - ***
live -
2) Ode - **
live - creed ODE - YouTube
3) My Own Prison - ***
video -
4) Pity For A Dime **
audio -
5) In America **
live - Creed - In America (Live - Woodstock '99) [HQ] - YouTube
6) Illusion **
audio -
7) Unforgiven **
live - Creed - Unforgiven Live At Woodstock 99 - YouTube
8) Sister **
audio -
9) What's This Life For ***
video -
10) One **
audio - creed-one with lyrics - YouTube

3's - 3
2's - 7
1's - 0

Grade - 2.3

only ever heard the follow-up one(Human Clay) and didnt like it all that much....
how do you rate that one as opposed to the one you just did?
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

oh yeh...just checked out your favourite track....not a bad track,would grow on me
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 220px-Cherrypie.jpg]

Surprised I like this, then or now. Gulty pleasure I guess, cheesy pop metal hair bands. They're just so damn cute
when you can't tell if it's a guy or gal under that mass of locks. Sophomore album for the LA band and the most
successful of their eight albums. Debut met with good sales, then this follow up, with the #10 title hit sent the
album to #7. The group faded away after this one, but are still trying, with an album just last year, minus
original vocalist Jani Lane, who was found dead from alcohol poisonng in his motel room just last year. I was
cheated once again here, as my copy does not have the final short track of Ode To Tipper Gore, a string of swear
words for the former second lady. In addition to the title track I do love a couple of others on here, Uncle Tom's
Cabin, and Love In Stereo. The duds out number them though, with five cuts getting that honor, resulting in a low
like grade. Don't think I have any other of ther albums. Wonder if they ever cut their hair?


Worst Track - Train, Train

Best Track - Uncle Tom's Cabin

Just for the record let's get the story straight
Me and Uncle Tom were fishin' it was gettin' pretty late
Out on a cypress limb above the wishin' well
Where they say it got no bottom say it take you down to Hell

Over in the bushes and off to the right
Two men talking in the pale moonlight
Sherriff John Brady and Deputy Hedge
Haulin' two limp bodies down to the Waters' Edge

I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin oh yea
I know a secret that I just can't tell

They didn't see me and Tom in the tree
Neither one believin' what the other could see
Tossed in the bodies let em sink on down
to the bottom of the well where they'd never be found

I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin oh yea
I know a secret that I just can't tell
I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin
I know who put the bodies in the wishing well

Soon as they were gone me and Tom got down
Prayin real hard that we wouldn't make a sound
Runnin through the woods back to Uncle Tom's shack
Where the full moon shines through the rooftop cracks

Oh my God, Tom, who are we going to tell?
The Sherriff, he belongs in a prison cell
Keep your mouth shut, that's what we're going to do
Unless you want to wind up in the wishing well too

I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin
I know a secret that I just can't tell
I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin
Know who put the bodies, know who put the bodies
In the wishin well
Oh yea

1) Cherry Pie - ***
video -
2) Uncle Tom's Cabin ***
video -
3) I Saw Red **
video -
4) Bed Of Roses *
audio -
5) Sure Feels Good To Me *
audio -
6) Love In Stereo ***
audio -
7) Blind Faith **
video -
8) Song And Dance Man *
live - Warrant - Song And Dance Man - YouTube
9) You're The Only Hell Your Mama Ever Raised *
audio -
10) Mr. Rainmaker **
live - Warrant - Mr Rainmaker - YouTube
11) Train, Train *
audio -

3's - 3
2's - 3
1's - 5

Grade - 1.8

so many albums, so little time

i vaguely remember these guys...obviously they did nothing for me to remember them by, but at least my memory does not say "them guys were bad!", so i guess they were ok??
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


Why is this not considered a classic album? I mean, I know that %99.99999999 of all the music in the world is going to be more or less unknwon, but it just bothers me when a band like Led Zeppelin do the same thing, but considerably less interesting, and get wildly poular. If I ever start up my "obscure classics" again, this will definitely be one of the albums I'll speak on
Yes, Matt, start up your Obscure Classics again, please !
mtthwibrahim Wrote:Split-Groundhogs

Why is this not considered a classic album? I mean, I know that %99.99999999 of all the music in the world is going to be more or less unknwon, but it just bothers me when a band like Led Zeppelin do the same thing, but considerably less interesting, and get wildly poular. If I ever start up my "obscure classics" again, this will definitely be one of the albums I'll speak on
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!

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