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watched that I'm Amazed clip

[Image: 51ib4VDJ7rL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

ARCTIC MONKEYS "whatever people say i am,thats what i am not" cd,2006.

debut set from these guys from Sheffield,UK.
a very raw and ragged collection of tracks showing their immaturity in both songwriting,singing and instrument playing, all put together with little production(or so it seems?!).
but those faults dont detract from the album one fact they make it all sound almost intentional IMO.
i actually dislike the other three albums that followed this one less and less simply becuase i feel they lost their 'edge' after this one through both inprovements in writing,playing and glossy production....sounds strange to say they got worse as they improved as musicians, but thats the way i feel about them....
at the time this was the highest selling debut album by an English group in the UK,had two #1 UK hits off this one also in tracks 2 and 11 and the album obviously hit #1 also, as it did here in Australia, but only reached a top 30 position in the US with no singles making the billboard charts.
allmusic rates this one 5/5 or a converted 3.0 here...3.0?,im positively sure this aint no perfect album, but i guess the online pro's know what they are talking about, can only think of Neil Young's "tonights the night" that scores a perfect 3.0 from me,,and this aint in the same class, but it is a great album!


worst track: mardy bum
best track: fake tales from san francisco


1. the view from the afternoon **
2. i bet you look good on the dancefloor ***
iConcerts - Arctic Monkeys - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor (live) - YouTube live
3. fake tales from san francisco ***
Arctic Monkeys - Fake Tales of San Francisco - YouTube audio
4. dancing shoes ***
Arctic Monkeys - Dancing Shoes Live [At The Apollo DVD][High Quality] - YouTube audio
5. you probably couldnt see for the lights but you were looking straight at me **
Arctic Monkeys - You Probably Couldn't See For The Lights... - Live at T in the Park 2006 [HD] - YouTube live
6. still take you home ***
7. riot van ***
8. red light indicates doors are secure **
9. mardy bum **
10.perhaps vampires is a bit strong but... ***
11.when the sun goes down ***
Arctic Monkeys - When The Sun Goes Down @Glastonbury - YouTube live
12.from the ritz to the rubble **


rating: 2.6
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

keep telling myself to get this, but hasn't happened yet

its one of those albums that you will either love or detest...i suggest waiting till you see it in the discount bins so you dont fork out for something you may not like...unless of course you already love it??!!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 220px-Rvinst.jpg]

Only three albums and this is the last, the only one I have. Very nice Chrissie Hynde sounding voice from Debora
Iyall. I guess the music is Pretenders sounding also, with sax on pretty much every track. Formed in '79 in San
Francisco, and split shortly after this album. Biggest hit was from this album (#35), and my favorite here, A Girl
In Trouble. Debora says that song is an answer to Michael Jackson's Billie Jean. The abum was also the groups best
selling, reaching #68. Columbia dropped any support for the band while touring for this album. According to Debora,
the heads at the label demanded that she lose weight, and she refused, thus they abandoned the group. No, I'm not
kidding. Yes the girl was a bit on the heavy side. Ok fine, a bit more than a bit. Mama Cass type heavy. I guess
it's true that video killed the radio star. Iyall released a solo album in '86 which went nowhere. She then left
music for an art teaching career. The band has done a few reunion tours but nothing recorded.


Worst Track - Going To Neon

Best Track - A Girl In Trouble (Is A Temporary Thing)

She's got a face that shows what she knows
She's heard every line
Tenderly she talks on the phone
There's a way to walk that says
"Stay Away!", and a time
To go 'round the long way

A girl in trouble is a temporary thing
A girl in trouble is a temporary thing

There's a time when every girl learns, to use her head
Tears will be saved till they're better spent
There's no time for her to be afraid
So instead, she takes care of business
Keeps a cool head

A girl in trouble is a temporary thing
A girl in trouble is a temporary thing

She's got a face that shows what she knows
She's heard every line
Tenderly she talks on the phone
There's a way to walk that says
"Stay Away!", and a time
To go 'round the long way

A girl in trouble is a temporary thing
A girl in trouble is a temporary thing
A girl in trouble is a temporary thing

1) Out On My Own **
audio -
2) Just Too Easy **
audio -
3) Billy's Birthday *
4) Going To Neon *
5) Six Days And One **
6) A Girl In Trouble (Is A Temporary Thing) **
video -
7) Say No **
video - Romeo Void - Say No - YouTube
8) Your Life Is A Lie **
audio - Romeo Void - Your Life Is A Lie - YouTube
9) Instincts **

3's - 0
2's - 7
1's - 2

Grade - 1.8

so many albums, so little time

[Image: 41BplsK3R7L._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

Hard copy.

Originally borrowed from Robbie 18 months ago. Their sixth, a 2-disc live set released in 2008.

Thoughts from then:

More Gothic Americana, but this is more visceral than the studio Secret South set played a few days ago.

Sounds like they'd have been a great band to see live. Too late now...

Very good live album.

Not scored by RoviMusic.
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

from my library (cd)

[Image: 220px-The_Cure_-_Wild_Mood_Swings.jpg]

Tenth album from Robert Smith and the boys. They still have it for me. The use of strings and horns attracts me to a lot of this. Don't love it, but as close as you can get. Nothing I don't like, with four love tracks. A few lineup changes gave them some fresh energy. Not well accepted compared to the previous Wish. Smith still claims it as one of his favorites, but tracks were rarely performed live after it's release. Only Want and Club America making the regular concert rotation. This Is A Lie is my best track. Four singles were released, The 13th, Mint Car (also a love track), Strange Attraction, and Gone. None of those charted well, with The 13th doing the best at #44. The album did make a respectable #12, and although sales for this one began a decline, the guys are still kicking.


Worst Track - Round & Round & Round

Best Track - This Is A Lie

How each of us decides
I've never been sure
The part we play
The way we are
How each of us denies any other way in the world
Why each of us must choose
I've never understood
One special friend
One true love
Why each of us must lose everyone else in the world

However unsure
However unwise
Day after day play out our lives
However confused
Pretending to know to the end

But this isn't truth this isn't right
This isn't love this isn't life this isn't real
This is a lie

How each of us believes
I've never really known
In heaven unseen and hell unknown
How each of us dreams to understand anything at all
Why each of us decides
I've never been sure
The part we take
The way we are
Why each of us denies every other way in the world

However unsure
However unwise
Day after day play out our lives
However confused
Pretending to know to the end

But this isn't truth this isn't right
This isn't love this isn't life this isn't real
This is a lie
This isn't truth this isn't right
This isn't love this isn't life this isn't real
This is a lie

1) Want **
live - The Cure - Want (Live 1996) - YouTube
2) Club America **
live - The Cure - Club America - Later with Jools Holland April 23, 1996 - YouTube
3) This Is A Lie ***
live - cure - jools holland '96 - this is a lie - YouTube
4) The 13th **
live - The Cure - The 13th (Live 1996) - YouTube
5) Strange Attraction **
audio -
6) Mint Car ***
live - The Cure-Mint Car [LIVE] HQ Video - YouTube
7) Jupiter Crash **
live - The Cure - Jupiter Crash (Live 1996) - YouTube
8) Round & Round & Round **
live - 6 - Round and Round and Round [ The Cure - Wild Mood Swings - YouTube
9) Gone! **
live - The Cure - Gone - Later With Jools Holland - 1996 - YouTube
10) Numb **
audio -
11) Return **
audio -
12) Trap ***
audio -
13) Treasure ***
audio -
14) Bare **
audio -

3's - 4
2's - 10
1's - 0

Grade - 2.3

so many albums, so little time


never a big Cure fan, but enjoyed several of their singles in the 1980s...never enough to buy an album though
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (cd)

[Image: g05529feyik.jpg]

Billed as a christian alternative band, Canada's Dakona wasn't around long. This is their last album of the three
made. Sort of reminds me of that Creed album I posted recently. Not really sure about the christian label. If you
profess your belief in God, it sticks I guess. Other than the obvious In God's Name here, nothing seems overtly
faith based. There may be some covert lines though. Better watch out, I may be influenced to lead a christian life.
Anyway, some pretty good kick ass rock on here, the best for me being the leadoff track, Waiting. Couple of other
love tracks in Richest Man and Good. Two that didn't make the grade. The picked up Goo Goo Dolls producer Rob
Cavallo for the effort and the sound certainly matches. I hereby pronounce this a good album.


Worst Track - Revolving

Best Track - Waiting

So you’ve packed up all your makeup
And you grabbed your magazines
And you’re leaving in the morning
On a train
I guess I’ve taken you for granted
I guess I messed this up again
I think I’ve finally learned my lesson
But too late

One thing always leads to another
One foot slips and down goes the other
One and one is two but it's just me
So until you're here

I’m waiting, I’m waiting here
I’m waiting
Any day, any night, anyplace, anytime

And I made this bed I lay in
But I should’ve called the maid
Such a heavy-handed lover, such a shame
I’m not too proud to say I’m sorry
If it’d bring you back again
If it’d mother all the orphans in my head
And one things always leads to another
So until you’re here. . .


She’s setting like a sun on the horizon
I’m running through the fields to chase her down
I’d stare into the sun ’til I am blinded
Just hoping for a glimpse of where she’s bound

I’d rather lose my sight than all my feeling
I’m better when I feel my way around
I’m better when I got you there beside me
I’ll be waiting, I’ll be waiting


I’ll try to remember forever and ever
Is only as long as you plan to stay here
So come and remind me if you got the time
Any day, any night, anyplace, anytime

1) Waiting ***
audio - Waiting - YouTube
2) Revelation **
video - Dakona - Revelation music video - YouTube
3) Trampoline **
audio - Trampoline - YouTube
4) Richest Man ***
audio - Richest Man In The World - YouTube
5) Center Of The World **
audio - Center Of The World - YouTube
6) Good (I've Got A Lot To Learn) ***
video - "Good" by Dakona (Official Concept Video) - YouTube
7) Soul For Sale **
audio - Soul for sale - YouTube
8) Untouchable **
audio - Untouchable - YouTube
9) Trust *
audio - Trust - YouTube
10) Beautiful Thing **
audio - Beautiful Thing - YouTube
11) Revolving *
audio - Revolving - YouTube
12) In God's Name **
audio - In God's Name - YouTube
13) Perfect Change **
audio - Perfect Change - YouTube

3's - 3
2's - 8
1's - 2

Grade - 2.1

so many albums, so little time

nah...not really keen on your favourite track MH, so i give the others a miss, sorry!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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