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Next up is going to be Ian Anderson's 'The Secret Language of Birds'.
Och Aye laddies and lassies, have to have some enjoyment before I hit the office! Or before it hits me......
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
Jerome Wrote:I did not realise you played guitar! Or maybe I just did not remember. What sort of stuff do you play?

i play very little Jerome...but i try, Dani says im a very trying person anyway LOL!

only play around half a dozen songs...stuff like Peggy Sue, Beatles "and i love her", couple of NY things(rockin in the free world,too far gone) , couple of Jam songs, several Paul Weller, nothing very much, know a few riffs like Smoke On The Water, just simple stuff really...
really wish i could play but i aint got the patience to sit and learn...moreso for my own ego and entertainment..

have acoustic and an electric guitar...just like strumming along to things on my acoustic, and like putting on the headphones and playing power chords with plenty of distortion on my electric...

all for fun really..

Dani plays keyboards, she does The Entertainer pretty good IMO,some bits off Tubular Bells and classical stuff also
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Jerome Wrote:Next up is going to be Ian Anderson's 'The Secret Language of Birds'.
Och Aye laddies and lassies, have to have some enjoyment before I hit the office! Or before it hits me......

so would you recommend Ian Anderson's solo material?...i have Thick As A Brick II...and like it if that means anything!??
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

One thing I have always found with IA is that he never delivers a bad album. Sure there might be a bad song every now and then, but generally it's pretty top drawer in terms of quality. I have 2 of his solo albums, the one I mentioned previously and 'Rupi's Dance' I like both of them. Not classic JT but a different take on things, but endeniably Ian Anderson. And both are superb quality. Sort of like acoustic JT.

Correction: There is one Tull album that I think is bad and that is 'Under Wraps' - not good!
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
Jerome Wrote:One thing I have always found with IA is that he never delivers a bad album. Sure there might be a bad song every now and then, but generally it's pretty top drawer in terms of quality. I have 2 of his solo albums, the one I mentioned previously and 'Rupi's Dance' I like both of them. Not classic JT but a different take on things, but endeniably Ian Anderson. And both are superb quality. Sort of like acoustic JT.

thank you J-Man....
will look for a solo set with my b'day voucher
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

Blind Faith album featuring Eryic Clapton and Ginger Baker essential blues/ hardrock album

America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
brilliant i am a huge fan of purple
Jerome Wrote:Deep Purple - Made in Europe. Outstanding old school RnR.
America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
yes i think it is the 3rd and 4th string going up between 2nd and 5th frets lol
Jerome Wrote:I did not realise you played guitar! Or maybe I just did not remember. What sort of stuff do you play?
America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
Silver Apples S/F

A wonderful oddity from the krautrock era. Hard to describe exactly what goes on here because it's so god damn peculiar (as most krautrock I'm familiar with is), but it's interesting. This is the 60s rock music I'm down with
Mrrusty1 Wrote:yes i think it is the 3rd and 4th string going up between 2nd and 5th frets lol

...which are right next to the 1st and 6th respectively LOL
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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