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Music Head Wrote:^^
now that's surprising
excepting YS, which is a George Martin album, all Beatles get a love from me

just too many covers on it for me to love,and the covers arent as good as theones on "with the beatles" and "please please me" IMO...and only this one,YS and believe it or not Rubber Soul dont get love scores from me, the rest would most certainly do so...
cant knock 'em though, even lesser albums by these guys seem to get pretty good scores from me, and certainly better than other artists best albums scire, just shows how good these guys were IMO
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

One heck of an album the knife is a brilliant track ..I am on a mission to bring progressive rock kicking and screaming into the 21st century anyone want to help me form a band ? lol[video=youtube_share;uBYPPjLJO5U][/video]
America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
Trespass by Genesis one heck of an album the track (the knife is brilliant) I am on a mission to bring progressive rock kicking and screaming into the 21st century ..anyone want to help me form a band? lol

America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
Beatles Forever!!!!!!!!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
The musical style of KingBathmat is difficult to ascertain, pin down or pigeon hole and does not sit comfortably in any particular category of music. Often described in reviews as an amalgamation of numerous bands e.g. “the sound of Pink Floyd wrestling with Kasabian”, “Black Sabbath cuddled by extravagant ELO harmonies”. It is clear that a bewildering array of influences produce a sound on record that circumnavigates the gamut of genres that reside upon this musical sphere......... from ALLMusic

For the progressive rock lover...English group KingBathmat....very good IMHO !


 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
Supertramp - Slow Motion. A friend in SA mentioned that she had bought an album by ST called 'Some Things Never Change'. Did not even know about this one. Something I am looking forward to hearing. As a result I dug out some ST albums. Working my way through them today. The highlight will of course be 'Paris'. As live albums go, this has to be one of the finest ever made. 'Fool's Overture' is incredible live.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
Mrrusty1 Wrote:Trespass by Genesis one heck of an album the track (the knife is brilliant) I am on a mission to bring progressive rock kicking and screaming into the 21st century ..anyone want to help me form a band? lol


Just love that 'Entangled' track.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
Ramases - Glass Top Coffin - off the wall stuff.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
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STEVIE NICKS aka viagra in a voice...."in your dreams" cd,2011.

only have this one and Belladonna from her career outside Fleetwood Mac and at some point probably should get some more Stevie.
never a big fan of The Mac...infact i could pretty much say i dislike them and their 1970s american rock sound with the exception of a few songs(same as Eagles and America).
but this album is very good, ranging from the odd folky sounding track all the way through to good old fashioned R&R
i swear this gal's voice just gets better and better with age,not sure she could hit those high notes or hold them as long as she could in her heyday, but her voice is still very strong on this one and her vocal control is almost perfect.certainly not as good as her debut set Belladonna but still a very good album by one of female rock's greatest singers.
theres even a couple of guest appearances on here by fellow Fleetwood Lindsay Buckingham on guitar.
album was produced by the great Dave Stewart(eurythmics/tourists) and he and Nicks co-wrote around half the album together.
most of this album was actually(apparently) written here in Australia on buses,planes and in hotel rooms whilst Stevie was touring here in 2010. sure most Maccy fans will love this, im not one of those but i still like it a lot!


worst track: ghosts are gone
best track: soldiers angel


1. secret love ** live
2. for what its worth *** live
3. in your dreams ** audio
4. wide sargasso sea *** audio
5. new orleans ** audio
6. moonlight(a vampires dram) ** vevo video
7. annabel lee *** audio
8. soldiers angel *** audio
9. everybody loves you ** audio
10.ghosts are gone * audio may be the one ** audio
12.italian summer ** audio
13.cheaper than free ** audio


rating: 2.2
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

The tracks that do it for me when it comes to Stevie's voice are, in no particular order

& Landslide.

I was reading an article about Mac and Stevie once said 'I wanna be a rock star - I don't wanna be no cleaning lady!'
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.

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