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Music Head Wrote:from my library (cd)

[Image: Bob_Dylan_-_Bringing_It_All_Back_Home.jpg]

Alright, which one of you guys have my Another Side Of Bob Dylan cd. It should be next in my in order cd listen, and
it's not. This is serious, people. It better show up or there will be hell to pay. In the meantime I'll go with the
next one. Superb as expected by me after being captured by the first four. Of course the purists were starting to
freak out at this point. Where's my folk Bob? He's on here, just not as much, as Bob was beginning to add some noise
to his still masterful lyrics. Love 9 of the 11 tracks on this one, and the electric move didn't bother me at all.
Dylan's first single to chart in the U.S., a weak #39 for Subterrranean Homesick Blues which kicks off the album,
and it's not till side 2 that we here folk Bob. Maggie's Farm was also a single. His first album to go top 10 here,
after much better success in the U.K. We americans are slow at times. I guess I'll move Bob from the folk to the
rock forum with this one. As far as the missing cd, I was thinking Lloyds luggage was a little fuller when he left,
but I let it slide.


Worst Track - Outlaw Blues

Best Track - It's All Over Now, Baby Blue

1) Subterranean Homesick Blues ***
video -
2) She Belongs To Me ***
audio -
3) Maggie's Farm ***
audio -
4) Love Minus Zero/No Limit ***
5) Outlaw Blues **
audio -
6) On The Road Again **
audio -
7) Bob Dylan's 115th Dream ***
8) Mr. Tambourine Man ***
audio -
9) Gates Of Eden ***
audio -
10) It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) ***
audio -
11) It's All Over Now, Baby Blue ***
audio -

3's - 9
2's - 2
1's - 0

Grade - 2.8
allmusic - 3.0

i dont have this one MH....but i know all the tracks,
great,great album though!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 220px-Thin_Lizzy_-_Johnny_the_Fox.jpg]

The groups seventh album after their biggest yet with Jailbreak. Not as good as that one for me. Midway through the
Jailbreak tour, Phil Lynot had come down with hepatitis and he had to be hospitalized, missing out on a gig opening
for Rainbow. Phil wrote most of this album while recovering. Some studio clashes between Phil and guitarist Brian
Robertson led to Brian's departure from the band after the tour for this release. He felt he should have received
co-writing credit for the #12 UK single Don't Believe A Word and didn't get it. Robertson did get that credit for
Borderline, the only track I love on here. One failing track with Boogie Woogie Dance. Is it the word alone that
makes me not like it? Phil Collins was brought in for ome percussion duties on this album. Not sure what that was
about. The album only reached #52 in the US and a respectable #11 in the UK, where they were always more popular.


Worst Track - Boogie Woogie Dance

Best Track - Borderline

1) Johnny **
audio -
2) Rocky **
live -
3) Borderline ***
audio -
4) Don't Believe A Word **
live -
5) Fool's Gold **
audio -
6) Johnny The Fox Meets Jimmy The Weed **
live -
7) Old Flame **
audio -
8) Massacre **
audio -
9) Sweet Marie **
audio -
10) Boogie Woogie Dance *
audio -

3's - 1
2's - 8
1's - 1

Grade - 2.0
allmusic - 2.4
Peace and Love,
Penny Lane
Breakfast with Myself

Art is the only thing you cannot punch a button for. You must do it the old-fashioned way. Stay up and really burn the midnight oil. There are no compromises. - Leonytne Price
Reply Some cool sounds
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
[video=youtube_share;wEOa3guQkX0][/video]zombies with rod argent and colin blunstone reunion playing time of the season which is a big favourite of mine
America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
Led zeppelin how the west was won live 1972 since ive been loving you my favourite version of this song (brilliant)[video=youtube_share;_5l0q-OC7d4][/video]
America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 220px-Billy_Joel_-_Glass_Houses.jpg]

Billy was at his peak with his seventh album. Had a #1 with the previous 52nd Street, and this would do the same.
His first #1 single and my favorite of It's Still Rock And Roll To Me led the way, getting him a grammy. The album
has more of a rock feel than his previous efforts for me, and because of that, is not one of his best. It's a good
album, but I prefer the softer side, which there is not much of here. Only other track I love is Don't Ask Me Why
and there are two I don't care for at all. Three other singles came off the album, Don't Ask Me Why, Sometimes A
Fantasy, and You May Be Right. That last one was a #7 hit. I may be crazy but it never clicked with me. Billy would
come back with better albums for me.


Worst Track - C'était Toi (You Were the One)

Best Track - It's Still Rock And Roll To Me

1) You May Be Right **
live -
2) Sometimes A Fantasy **
video -
3) Don't Ask Me Why ***
live -
4) It's Still Rock And Roll To Me ***
live -
5) All For Leyna **
live -
6) I Don't Want To Be Alone **
audio -
7) Sleeping With The Television On **
audio -
8) C'était Toi (You Were the One) *
audio -
9) Close To The Borderline **
audio -
10) Through The Long Night *
audio -

3's - 2
2's - 6
1's - 2

Grade - 2.0
allmusic - 2.6
The one that gets to me is 'All for Leyna' Great track. My favourite of his is 'Always a Woman'. The best description I have come across yet. Really powerful stuff.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
A definite classic IMHO ! least 6 or 7 very strong tracks on this one.
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
I got Glass Houses on vinyl not long ago. I can't remember if I posted about it. It was another 50 cent bargain and it plays just fine. Love it!
"I said, I found the secret to life, I found the secret to life
I'm okay when everything is not okay, is not okay"

~Tori Amos, Upside Down

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