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Moody blues this year playing peak hour , from days of future passed , Justin Hayward , John Lodge and Graham Edge original members . but unfortunately no Ray Thomas.. these guys can still do it..[video=youtube_share;8yXvfP-VbZ4][/video]
America is pregnant with promise and anticipation but is murdered by the hand of the inevitable....(Lee Jackson ..The Nice)
Glad you like him Crazy mate! Try Little Victories first ! His hallmark was the 2006 album Depression River. He has a new one out or about to be out ...Radiant Land.
CRAZY-HORSE Wrote:never heard of Stagger....

love all those links SteveO...can you recommend an album to start with by him?
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
thanks SteveO.....i'll see what Corey has in the store on sunday
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (cd)

[Image: 220px-Bob_Dylan_-_New_Morning.jpg]

The decline continues for me. Had started to lose interest after that Self Portrait debacle. This didn't help. It's
like he started to write without the drugs. No deep lyrics on this one. Nothing I love and four I don't like. Even
the best, If Not For You, is only saved by the bell. Think I prefer Olivias version. And what the hell is that If
Dogs Run Free crap? Critics saw this as an improvement over the last, but at least we got a double album with that
one. Some of the tracks here were recorded before Self Portrait was released and this came out a mere four months
after that one. A lot of piano based tracks here which I don't think fits for Dylan. David Bromberg, Charlie Daniels
and Al Kooper back for the sessions, who I think were all on Self Portrait. Kooper and producer Bob Johston got fed
up with the sessions after Dylan repeatedly changed his mind on everything, what to include, how to sing, lyrics,
music. A quote from Kooper, "When I finished that album I never wanted to speak to him again". Strong words. The
album went #1 in England and #7 here, so the fans hadn't given up yet, me included.


Worst Track - If Dogs Run Free

Best Track - If Not For You

1) If Not For You **
audio -
2) Day Of The Locusts **
audio -
3) Time Passes Slowly *
audio -
4) Went To See The Gypsy *
audio -
5) Winterlude **
audio -
6) If Dogs Run Free *
audio -
7) New Morning **
audio -
8) Sign On The Window **
audio -
9) One More Weekend **
10) The Man In Me **
audio -
11) Three Angels **
12) Father Of Night *
audio -

3's - 0
2's - 8
1's - 4

Grade - 1.7
allmusic - 2.6

interesting note on somewhere today that he recently performed at a festival in the UK...spent the whole gig playing a Grand Piano instead of guitar???!!!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 41XmaKYvtBL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

Could not find a decent cover for this one, sorry. Did another Joe South a while back which scored a love rating and
so does this one. The man was so damn good, and so damn overlooked. This album did not even chart and the best track
is not even out there. In fact there is only 1 track of the ten out there. Shame on you youtube posters! This is
Joe's fifth album and his last before being dropped by Capitol. The mans highest charting album came in at #60,
unbelievable. I love four of the ten tracks on this album and there is nothing I do not like. Don't know if any
singles were released. If not, Capitol was stupid. Joe just passed on recently, but his legacy lives on, in my


Worst Track - Your Real Thing

Best Track - Coming Down All Alone

1) Coming Down All Alone ***
2) Imitation Of Livin' **
3) It Hurts Me Too **
4) Your Real Thing **
5) One Man Band **
6) Misunderstanding ***
7) Misfit **
8) Save Your Best ***
audio -
9) I'm A Star ***
10) All Night Lover **

3's - 4
2's - 6
1's - 0

Grade - 2.4
allmusic - 2.0

never heard of JS except for your last album going to check out what Corey/Tem have got on the weekend
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

from my library (vinyl)

[Image: 31EKDSFDQZL._AA160_.jpg]

Close to a one hit wonder for me. And the hit is here, with the title track. Alabama southern rock band with a
little r&b/funk thrown in. Not a good mixture to me. The hit single is the only thing I love here, and the three
bombs make the album a passable like. I never followed with another purchase. It is the groups highest charting
album at a weak #41. The single peaked at #10, with a follow up of Country Side Of Life at #66. Last studio album
was in 1979, but they had a live album just this year. Probably their own money at stake, cause no major is gonna go
for a live album from a group that had a hit 40 years ago. Gotta give them their due though, as the hit still lives
on in my little brain.


Worst Track - In Our Hearts

Best Track - Keep On Smilin'

1) Country Side Of Life **
live -
2) Keep On Smilin' ***
audio -
3) Trust In The Lord **
4) Soul Sister *
5) Alabama **
6) Lucy Was In Trouble **
audio -
7) Soul Jones *
audio -
8) Don't Wait Too Long **
9) Spanish Moss **
10) In Our Hearts *

3's - 1
2's - 6
1's - 0

Grade - 1.8
allmusic - 2.4

The Best of Rick Nelson

Adam and the Ants - Kings of the Wild Frontier
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
SteveO Wrote:The Best of Rick Nelson

Adam and the Ants - Kings of the Wild Frontier

i lovew Rick Nelson immensely SteveO

Adam & The Ants...Kings Of The Wild Frontier is a superb album IMO...their follow up one 'prince charming' wasnt too bad, their debut set 'dirk wears white sox' wasnt bad, Adam's solo sets....forget them, more of a singles band than an albums band IMO
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.


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