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I have specific musical anhedonia
What is Music?
Music consists of vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

But Why is Music so important to us?
Music is important to our lives because it lifts up the soul and releases some pressures in daily living. It also helps you express yourself in ways that you can't with normal speech and builds confidence. Music is also fun and enhances social development.

But some people are just not moved or interested by music and yes I am one of them!

Until I was 16 I listened to a little radio and some commercial music for teens from all genres, but in fact it was mainly to find out what other people my age liked and so i could find out if I liked it or no, at the time I was a bit curious.

Now I’m nearly 19 years old and for 2 to 3 years, I haven’t listened to any music, I have sometimes the feeling to be the only one like that.
For example, when i take the public transport, I see a lot of people wearing their headphones during their run. And me, I have no envy over listening to music for 1 hour, I even prefer listening to the sound of the train or the bus for one hour.

I never had a MP3 player, a smartphone or something else that is used to listen to music.

Even when I come back home, I never listen to music on my computer because I don’t like that so I relax with other means possible(surfing on the internet, going outside, listening to the sound of the city, sleeping, etc…)

Sometimes, I have people and friends who make me listen to metal, rock or rap and then ask me if I liked it but I am unable to answer. As I am no hypocrite, i clearly say no and for that I pass sometimes for someone bizarre.

As I think it is better living without music, some people find it sad or even impossible.
For me, true freedom is to live without music, especially when the lyrics to music mostly mean nothing and that is why I don’t understand people that are so commited to music, Music isn’t that extraordinary, it’s mostly about love with catch phrases that aims to stick in our heads. Sometimes, it even reeks superficiality.

But I do like music on one occasion, in fact the only music i listen to are the ones in movies or tv shows and I even find it necessary that movies and tv shows have music in them because music brings something much needed to them, to the characters, etc…

I don’t know, maybe I’m not normal
But ask yourself this question, is it that important to listen to music?
To answer your last question - absolutely. Vital, in fact.

I notice that you say you prefer listening to the sound of the train or the city - have you ever tried ambient music? Try Vangelis's 'The City' album or Eno's 'Music for Films'. Might be what you are looking for since it is not the normal run of the mill type stuff. Also music can be intrusive, especially when there are lots of other things going on in the background. Ambient music is unobtrusive. It's just supposed to float around in the background as a sort of accompaniment to whatever else you are doing. And it has no lyrics so you cannot subconsciously latch onto phrases or words. I find it a very relaxing form of music. Especially when reading a book. I remember reading The Beckoning Silence - a book by Joe Simpson about conquering the Eiger. I just happened to have Eno's 'Apollo- Atmospheres & Soundtracks on the CD player at the same time and it turned out to be the perfect accompaniment to the book.
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
Welcome aboard MD! Interesting that you mentioned " I even prefer listening to the sound of the train or the bus for one hour." You like sounds! I am the same way my friend but I love music also! All sorts of different well as some pop music! Jerome has directed you to some great ambient music! There is an entire new music world out there! Perhaps you haven't discovered it yet! Here's a track for you to listen to! Your feedback would be nice to have!


There are many different sounds here! I find it relaxing, unpredictable, interesting, and mysterious! Enjoy and feel free to ask about more "sounds" !!!!Confusedmile:
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