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Does anyone know of a site where you can listen to music without knowing who you are listening to?

Other than our fav fm radio station that only lists songs from 6 hours ago ??? know not of such a site Music man!
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
Music Head Wrote:Does anyone know of a site where you can listen to music without knowing who you are listening to?

Good question but can we narrow it down? Did you mean not being able to find out artists/ songs at all or just immediately? In the US the FCC may require some form of ID and the RIAA prolly helps enforce that. The best eclectic, "We'll play just about anything" source--kinda like those old-skool free-form FM stations back in the day--is SiriusXM Ch. 30 The Loft. Blondie followed by a neo-classical but melodic piece followed by Freddie Cole--throw it against the wall and see what sticks...And then there's this: << One of my faves when I lived in New Jersey, especially late at night, grooving behind some vegetation...On the Web now, natch, and with most excellent archives. "It's hip, it's hot, it's happenin"...not; designed (if that's the word) for the independent spirit.
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
just immediately

strange request I know
I like to listen and form an opinion without who the artist is shaping that opinion
which is why I like to listen to artists I have never heard of

just thought I'd try

Music Head Wrote:just immediately

strange request I know
I like to listen and form an opinion without who the artist is shaping that opinion
which is why I like to listen to artists I have never heard of

just thought I'd try

Bro MH I'm not sucking up at all to say not only is that not a strange request, it's the hallmark of the advanced listener I believe you are, for just the reason you stated. Some tunes we individually "get" immediately; others take time to percolate and assess; yet others take some time between hearings to fully appreciate or newly hate. Point being, knowing the artist can be if not a burden, at least a hindrance. I wish I had an on-point answer (I could sure use it myself). A thought: Can you setup a " blind" channel on Rdio or Spotify or some other service? You punch the Start button and let them do the work but hold back the knowledge? Which when a piece just opens you up and says,"Right here, right now, Buster!" you could peek at the songlist later. My quirky work-around is to pick a piece on YT, listen, then blindly stab a piece in the center...and on like that. Invested whole PMs doing that, I have, and been taken to some odd and nifty places.
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
Jazzbo and musichead, you have both hit the 'listening without prejudice' nail. But seeing as the mass of listeners 'listen' because the last trendiest song or most scandalous video is playing, there is little hope for means to listen blindly to anything. Let's not forget that the artists/singers/performers all want their due and immediately at that. Perhaps I may suggest you tune on to a site like a genre...and listen to the lists while you're doing something else, like washing the plates. (hehehehehe). Then take a peek at the titles of the pieces when the list has finished playing. Maybe.
Don't know whether that's so effective though.
You can Always try.
Cogito, ergo sum...
I annoy myself
I'll be listening to a new song/album and not liking it
all the time I'll be thinking, do I not like this because of what I'm hearing or because of who it is
I think I am guilty of the latter far too often
just think it would be cool to listen and not know even if it's somebody famous
of course I would have to know after I listened or it wouldn't be any fun
and then it's always fun to guess who the artist sounds like when you don't know who it is

Here's Bellini48's mention--looks to be available on any box you want to use: << As their tagline says, it's picked/curated by humans, not some maths formula.
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
Your reason for listening to "unknown" music has always been an absolute delight for me Music Head! The problem is finding out who in the hay was that???? is no doubt, and I have been guilty of this from time to time, that we are slightly prejudiced if we know the artist ahead of time, a former member here Keef Rob, was a big proponent of randomly listening to music on the Internet to discover new sounds. Sometimes I get much more satisfaction when I hear music from an unknown artist than listening to a "planned" artist and forcing ones self to like it due to peer pressure or he fact that it is the new flavour of the month!

By the way, Spotify is finally officially available in Canada !
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
You see now, the difference with classical music...listening to 'classical' (totally erroneous name) means you can, in time and with experience, determine the 'style'.
Same with jazz more or less.
There isn't a determined 'style' in pop music..
perhaps you might determine the era or decade in which it was written, mostly by the quality of the recordings. or the addition or lack of technological sounds.
But there isn't a style. So if you listen blindly, it'll have to be your emotions and sensations that guide you.
You like if you 'feel'.
You're certainly not listening to music with your reason, or are you delving intellectually into the contents of the songs.
Follow your heart. (yeah, sounds like a damned cliche' but it's probably correct).
Cogito, ergo sum...

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