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geeeaidan Wrote:Still loving this one from Mollie Marriott... Can't wait for the debut album in a couple of months Confusedmile:

Indeed. Ms. Marriott is not a newbie and comes with good credentials (Steve Marriott's her dad). Some serious music muscle behind her and an excellent future ahead.:
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
Another powerhouse female vocalist! Thanks Aidan! Interesting factoid from Jazzy regarding her father being Steve Marriott!
geeeaidan Wrote:Still loving this one from Mollie Marriott... Can't wait for the debut album in a couple of months Confusedmile:

 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
Robert Plant – lullaby and … THE CEASELESS ROAR

[Image: 220px-Robert_Plant_Lullaby_and_the_Cease...over.  jpg]

Forget about anything remotely resembling Led Zeppelin; Robert Plant has reinvented himself ... yet again!

I was very much looking forward to having a good listen to this album (which has recently arrived), perhaps too much so, because while it has now become firmly entrenched in whichever part of the brain retains a musical memory, I confess to a completely unfounded twinge of initial disappointment. I think that was because this is such a subtle, graceful, elegant offering, that one cannot possibly assimilate all the nuances immediately. On a few further spins, I do not, for one second, regret this purchase.

Robert Plant is large in every way; a lover of life and even more so, a truly authentic lover and investigator of music. The man knows his stuff, and IMHO he deserves all the respect he’s been given for this addition to the annals – he’s earned it, no question.

I love the package design which comprises a double-sided card ‘envelope’ cover, not a jewel case. The shell motif with sketchy waves and an anchor encompassing a trident, to me, perfectly depicts the ‘ceaseless roar’ which of course, echoes in us all. The earthy tones of the artwork and the subject matter are analogous, in a way, of a force of nature; further confirmation of the care and deliberation that went into this production – super classy!

The booklet shows photos of each of the Sensational Space Shifters (as well as a rather wizardly looking Plant - Merlin springs to mind), crediting them for their contributions, and rightly so, especially since they are not credited on the CD cover, although they are mentioned on the spine, I notice. This is no staid, formulaic backing band – they are mature musicians who know their stuff, and they play together with a distinctly alternative edge, all of which helps to qualify this album as a highly successful combination of traditional and contemporary sounds, including wonderfully pervasive percussive beats, and of course, all held together by that voice.

Well done Mr Plant and cohorts – your production, interpretation, execution and presentation is most excellent!

Tack listing

  1. Little Maggie
  2. Rainbow
  3. Pocketful of Golden
  4. Embrace Another Fall
  5. Turn it Up
  6. A Stolen Kiss
  7. Somebody There
  8. Poor Howard
  9. House of Love
  10. Up on the Hollow Hill (Understanding Arthur)
  11. Arbaden (Maggie’s Babby)

I can’t decide on an absolute favourite track, but this one’s in the running …

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson
cool overview Ruby...well done
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

[URL=""][Image: 419aHx6vflL._AA160_.jpg]
EVERLY BORTHERS "purely" cd, 2011

i wasnt sure where to put this one..."soft rock","pop" or here in "classic rock"...obviously, this thread won the indecisive mind of mind!
a two disc forty track compilation from their early years in 1956 through to around 1961(pre 'ebony eyes'/'wlak right back')...
this disc contains all the UK singles through to then plus all the 'b-sides' and 'ep' tracks, so i guess it is a complete anthology of their first five years...
i dont think there were far better pop artists at the same time as these guys...except probably Rick Nelson IMO but these guys win hands down with
their superb harmonies...up there with Finn Borthers and S&G IMO....
and it pretty hard to knock the string of singles that have become classics also...
although a lot of the tracks here arent 'love' tracks for me, they are still very very good, and few songs by anyone from that period can match "wake up little suzie" and
"cathy's clown" which is 1950s pop perfection from these two brothers from bowling Green in Kentucky's south...


worst track: oh so many years
best track: cathy's clown


1. this little girl of mine **
2. maybe tomorrow **
3. bye bye love ***
4. brand new heartache **
5.keep a knockin' **
6. be bop a llula **
7. rip it up **
8. i wonder if i care as much **
9. wake up little suzie *** live
10.leave my woman alone **
11. should we tell him **
12.hey doll baby **
13.when willi be loved ***
14.down in the willow garden ***
15.long time gone **
16.lightning express ***
17. that silve haired daddy of mine **
18.whos gonna shoe your pretty little feet *
19.barbara allen **
20.oh so many years *
21.cathy's clown *** live here to get my baby out of jail ***
23.kentucky **
24.put my little shoes away *
25.all i have to do is dream *** live
26.claudette ***
27.bird dog ***
28.devoted to you ***
29.keep-a-lovin' me *
30.the sun keeps shining **
31.problems *** of my life **
33.take a message to mary ***
34.poor jenny ***
35.(till)i kissed you ***
36.oh what a feeling **
37.let it be me *** audio
38.since you broke my heart **
39.always its you *
40.roving gambler **


rating: 2.3
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

You can never be wrong in quoting the Everly Brothers. Thanks for the share, Bro C-H. Those boys could rock it--not just some misty-eyed country crooners (as much as I like those).:

Here's 33 minutes of that '83 reunion concert in London--we we all have spats with our siblings, right? Sometimes lasting decades...?: << the whole thing is on YT as audio-only, and of course there's that DVD...
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
i agree jazzy...nothing wrong with "misty-eyed country crooners" in the slightest, but these guys took it to rock and roll.

i saw the Everly's perform around 84-85ish to promote their comeback single "wings of a nightingale",which incidently, was written by McCartney for them specifically as their reunion/comeback single...
im not a big fan of that track,much prefer Phil's duet with Cliff Richard from a couple of years earlier...
here's the link to both, incase youve not heard either...or not heard them in a long time...

Everly Brothers "wings of a nightingale"
#50 US, #78 AU, #41 UK, #49 US-Country, #39 CAN-country
wiki info on the song:
link to the song: live performance

Cliff Richard & Phil Everly "she means nothing to me" #9 UK, #39 AU
link to the song: audio only!

not a big fan of Sir Cliff but the guy is still doing it and performing and has been since 1958...
here's a track from each decade of his career thus-so-far

"livin' doll"(with The Drifters, who later,because of an american band with the same name,changed theirs to The Shadows) tv performance
and also the remake for charity in the mid 1980s with UK comedy group The Young Ones video

"bachelor boy"....and thats exactly how he stayed! tv performance

"devil woman"...pne of only two top10 US hits! tv performance

"wired for sound"...note the corny 'walkman' and 'rollerskates" video

"stronger than that" video

"thank you for a lifetime" live

"rip it up"...from his 2013 covers album celebrating rock and roll live, great live performance for a guy in his 70s...
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

These last few posts show "provocation" in it's most positive sense...and why M-D is an important resource and homing place.
A man accustomed to hear only the echo of his own sentiments, soon bars all the common avenues of delight, and has no part in the general gratification of mankind--Dr. Johnson
What he said. Amen, Bro--JazzboCR
[URL=""][Image: 220px-Dire_Straits_-_On_Every_Street.jpg]
DIRE STRAITS "on every street" cd, 1991

career stats:
studio albums.............6

this album:..................#1 UK, #1 AU, #1 CAN, #1 US
"calling elvis"..............#21 UK, .#8 AU, .#4 CAN
"heavy fuel"...............#55 UK, #22 AU, #22 CAN
"on every street"........#42 UK...........................
"the bug"...................#67 UK,.............#21 CAN
"you and your friend" chart action!

Dire Straits sixth and final album as a band after a six year haitus...
i got this after strong recommendations from Jerome...
not strictly a Dire Straits sounding album,more of a Knopfler solo set IMO as it bridges the gap between their sounds and that of his country flavoured
solo sets...not that it sounds strictly country neither...
there are a few tracks on here that use the sax and their trademark solos in true Knopfler style...
all up, a very good album that i dismissed when originally released becuase i didnt 'get' the "calling elvis" and "heavy fuel" singles...


worst track: my parties
best track: on every street


1. calling elvis **
2. on every street *** superb live version!
3. when it comes to you **
4. fade to black **
5. the bug **
6. you and your friend **
7. heavy fuel **
8. iron hand ***
9. ticket to heaven ** parties **
11.planet of new orleans *** long ***


rating: 2.3
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

^Fantastic live track - thanks for that! I see Chris White wielding his mighty sax there too! Tough to follow that act.

I'm listening to APP's debut album - Tales of Mystery and Imagination: Edgar Allan Poe. Love it. "The Raven" is apparently the first recorded rock song to make use of the digital vocorder, for better or for worse! AP himself -

Here's another clip, although IMHO it's kinda sacrilegious not to listen to it in it's entirety ...


... and after that taste of Knopfler - next up for me, Privateering.
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson

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