22-05-2015, 23:45
Hi ,
Im sure the creators of this site wont mind me trying to help by posing this (i hope).
i am the founder of www.theglobalmusiccommunity.com
I created the website to help all walks of the music industry during these tricky timesâ¦. It is a place not only to connect with other people in the industry, but it saves you money on the tools you need to do the job.
Its is and will always be free, so i hope you find it useful.
Many thanks
Im sure the creators of this site wont mind me trying to help by posing this (i hope).
i am the founder of www.theglobalmusiccommunity.com
I created the website to help all walks of the music industry during these tricky timesâ¦. It is a place not only to connect with other people in the industry, but it saves you money on the tools you need to do the job.
Its is and will always be free, so i hope you find it useful.
Many thanks