30-03-2020, 17:25
![[Image: R-14954298-1584664810-3504.jpeg.jpg]](https://img.discogs.com/2ACHRPKSAicfBHWZYe5aC5QECRU=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-14954298-1584664810-3504.jpeg.jpg)
The brothers Eno have released their first collaboration as a duo. Roger is responsible for all keys and Brian the rest, as well as production. It’s a concept album of sorts – a sonic interpretation of a colour palette – one which presently eludes me. I’ve been curious about how they decided on the colours (none of which are primary, or even secondary, that I can see). Were they colours used in a favourite painting? Those on the album artwork? Or did they simply like the names and use them for that perfectly good and non-meaningful reason?? (Update – they are impressionistic colours which is why they chose them – damn – thought there might have been a story to uncover.)
I already spoke about “Celeste” in the New and Notable thread – (https://www.music-discussion.com/showthr...#pid139876) it’s a beautiful track and I am not surprised it was a teaser. Others which I could see/hear were “Obsidian” – organ sounds which lend weight, not that it could in any way be said to be heavy; oddly enough though, it’s quite sombre, as befits a volcanic blackness, so the comparative frivolity of “Blonde” immediately thereafter is a light relief! “Dark Sienna” has distinctly earthy tones while the slow and deliberate progression of "Verdigris" gives an inkling of the complexity and alchemy of this pigment that’s been used since ancient times. I got the ebb and flow and shimmering scorching heat of “Desert Sand”, the mercurial nature of “Quicksilver”, the warmth and healing of “Rose Quartz” and the icy fragility of the opener, “Spring Frost”. There’s a lot more that unfolds on listening – kudos to them.
The album moves sedately and might be considered simple, which IMHO would be a mistake - there is more than initially meets the eye. There is no wild expression (note to self: do not listen to ambient music after lunch. Not that there’s a whole lot else to do right now – well there is, there’s always some or other chore, but I’m feeling lazy …. and I digress) and at around an hour and fifteen minutes long, there’s not a jarring note on it. It won’t be everyone’s cuppa tea but I think it’s balm for a bruised soul.
"Desert Sand" ...
![[Image: R-14954298-1584664810-3504.jpeg.jpg]](https://img.discogs.com/2ACHRPKSAicfBHWZYe5aC5QECRU=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-14954298-1584664810-3504.jpeg.jpg)
The brothers Eno have released their first collaboration as a duo. Roger is responsible for all keys and Brian the rest, as well as production. It’s a concept album of sorts – a sonic interpretation of a colour palette – one which presently eludes me. I’ve been curious about how they decided on the colours (none of which are primary, or even secondary, that I can see). Were they colours used in a favourite painting? Those on the album artwork? Or did they simply like the names and use them for that perfectly good and non-meaningful reason?? (Update – they are impressionistic colours which is why they chose them – damn – thought there might have been a story to uncover.)
I already spoke about “Celeste” in the New and Notable thread – (https://www.music-discussion.com/showthr...#pid139876) it’s a beautiful track and I am not surprised it was a teaser. Others which I could see/hear were “Obsidian” – organ sounds which lend weight, not that it could in any way be said to be heavy; oddly enough though, it’s quite sombre, as befits a volcanic blackness, so the comparative frivolity of “Blonde” immediately thereafter is a light relief! “Dark Sienna” has distinctly earthy tones while the slow and deliberate progression of "Verdigris" gives an inkling of the complexity and alchemy of this pigment that’s been used since ancient times. I got the ebb and flow and shimmering scorching heat of “Desert Sand”, the mercurial nature of “Quicksilver”, the warmth and healing of “Rose Quartz” and the icy fragility of the opener, “Spring Frost”. There’s a lot more that unfolds on listening – kudos to them.
The album moves sedately and might be considered simple, which IMHO would be a mistake - there is more than initially meets the eye. There is no wild expression (note to self: do not listen to ambient music after lunch. Not that there’s a whole lot else to do right now – well there is, there’s always some or other chore, but I’m feeling lazy …. and I digress) and at around an hour and fifteen minutes long, there’s not a jarring note on it. It won’t be everyone’s cuppa tea but I think it’s balm for a bruised soul.
"Desert Sand" ...
"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." ~ Bill Watterson