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Poetry Books
Share some favourite modern day poets and their published works.
Also describe their style a bit.
I have seen some animated videos based on Billy Collins stuff.. loved it.
never could get into it, unless it's turned into a song, of course.

You should watch the Billy Collins animated videos on youtube. They're nice.
I'm more historically inclined when it comes to poets but a few do spring to mind -

John Cooper Clarke - British 'punk' poet
Drive She said - John Cooper Clarke

Benjamin Zephaniah - rastafarian 'dub' poet
Dis poetry by Benjamin Zephaniah

Seamus Heaney - more traditional poet - Irish but not dead so I reckon he qualifies. I don't know if you need to be Irish to enjoy his poems fully but he did get the Nobel prize for literature so he mustn't be that bad.
Seamus Heaney - Digging
Of the poetry books that I have physical copies of (the poets I actually like surpasses this), favorites are: A Season in Hell/The Drunken Boat by Arthur Rimbaud (trans. by Louise Varese, Edgard Varese's wife), Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, Selected Poems from 'Les Fleurs du Mal' by Charles Baudelaire (trans. by Norman Shapiro), The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas, Tulips & Chimneys by e.e. cummings, The Collected Poems of W.H. Auden, The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats, Poet in New York by Federico Garcia Lorca (I can't remember the translator)... And an anthology of English poetry, which has some great stuff by Shakespeare, Pope, Hopkins, Shelley, Wordsworth, Blake, Dunne, etc. I also have a couple of text books that have some wonderful works by Hart Crane, T.S. Eliot, etc. etc.

I'll go into some other poets I dig and their styles in a later post. I'm lazy at the moment.
Thanks guys.. actually i was looking for some contemporary urban poets...

I am looking for poetry one can relate to.. trbc thanks for sharing the list of poets, I have heard few of them, but never gone deep into their works much.
carbon_psycho Wrote:Thanks guys.. actually i was looking for some contemporary urban poets...

That's what Cooper Clarke and Zephaniah are - in case I didn't make it clear...
carbon_psycho -I am looking for poetry one can relate to..

universal themes dude!!! (sorry about the use of the word dude)
I've just found a poem I wrote a few months ago about a tree

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