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U.S. Presidential Race 2012
dare I start a thread?
oh why not

Have said for awhile I think President Obama will win his re-election bid.
Barring a further economic meltdown or some terrorist resurgence or a scandal, I will maintain that view.
Of course politics is volatile and daily events can have an affect.

The GOP field is down to seven candidates, with the recent withdrawal of Herman Cain due to the various charges.
Those candidates are:

Newt Gingrich
Mitt Romney
Michelle Bachman
Ron Paul
Rick Santorum
Rick Perry
Ron Huntsman

First test for the group cames up Jan 3rd with the Iowa caucus.
Don't expect anyone to drop out after that as they usually stick it out through the New Hampshire primary.
Then the dominos begin to fall
The suspense builds
As most know, Newt and Mitt are in a virtual tie for the lead in the meaningless news polls.
The actual polls begin when the voting begins
Ron Paul just may be the overlooked factor here as his supporters may just be that silent majority

I hope Obama makes it again. He's not as awesome as he promised to be (I partially blame the Republicans' stubbornness for that) bur he's the lesser evil.

Actually, how can you even take someone like Mitt Romney seriously considering how his views on many important topics like cap and trade or abortion have changed radically during his political carreer.
Obama re-election is a shoe-in if all goes well ! I like Ron Paul on the GOP side but they don'y have a prayer .....
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!
Love to see Ron Paul win, but that won't happen. If it comes down to Obama vs any other GOP candidate besides Paul, I'm voting Obama.
i think you said it all MH...the only poll that counts is the one on election day...

dont think it makes a difference to Mr & Mrs Joe Average who gets elected as your guys there have fallen out of the same crap-heap as polititians everywhere!

i still maintain that Obama will win...he has the "ace card" of getting rid of unless there are any major crisis within the best part of 2012 he is a shoe-in IMO (held that opinion when we were together and still do)....

also, from what i have seen of the candidates thus so far...Bachman and Paul are my favourites, just because they say what they want to wether it is politically correct or not, whether they would maintain that attitude in office is another matter as they too, will be tied by party politics..

just got remember that the current problems in the US are not yours alone...Europe is in turmoil also, thankfully we here in Australia have pretty much survived the current, and previous global financial meltdown, but we still need to vote out our environmentalist/left wing coalition at the next Federal election before they drag us down also with their throwing money around to useless causes to appease minority groups!!!
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

For me Obama is the lesser evil and I think he will be re-elected, just barely.
"I said, I found the secret to life, I found the secret to life
I'm okay when everything is not okay, is not okay"

~Tori Amos, Upside Down
The power no longer lies in the West - in any case, their politicians are powerless against big business. Europe is bankrupt and run by incompetent politically-correct fools. Africa is (and always has been) the raw materials store of the world. The Vatican is on the way out - even with all the credit card companies it owns - just a matter of time. The Arab world is in turmoil - hell we have to find some way to ensure that all that oil comes our way so we destabilise it. Doing the same thing to that part of the world that they did to Africa. What's new....

China is the new master. Yes it has it's own troubles too, but it is the only one that is financially solvent. And that means it has power - whether we like it or not.

'Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun' - iow 'Merry Xmas'.....

Shen Tan
'The purpose of life is a life of purpose' - Athena Orchard.
couldnt have put it better myself Jerome
They were big in the 70s....for five minutes,on a Saturday,after lunch..."  -  Me 2014.

first election results are in
a squeaker for the expected winner
if any surprise it would be Santorum

Mitt Romney - 25% - 30,015
Rick Santorum - 25% -30,007
Ron Paul - 21% - 26,219
Newt Gingrich - 13% - 16,251
Rick Perry - 10% - 12,604
Michele Bachmann - 5% - 6,073
Jon Huntsman -1% - 745

It appears Santorum has the momentum for New Hampshire ! Did Bachman withdraw?
 The ultimate connection is between a performer and its' audience!

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